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Yunho groaned as he made his way out of the bed. It was a Monday. He turned to his alarm clock which read 6:00am. He needed to get his ass to school. It was his first day at his new school. His family just moved so his school changed too. He got up and pulled out his school uniform that had been delivered just the other day. It was a regular school uniform. Grey pants, a white button down, and a sweater vest with the schools name on it. He was told to wear a tie as well.

Before he left for the bathroom he looked into the mirror. "You're so ugly." He hissed then headed to the shower.

As the hot water hit his back he closed his eyes. He felt guilt and shame heavy pain his heart. The words he used to hear so often still replayed in his mind. Suddenly a memory slipped into his head.


It was recess and all the little boys went to play ball outside.

"Come on Yunho lets play. It'll be fun you're tall so you must be strong." A little boy said handing Yunho a ball before running far. "Throw it to me!"

Yunho looked at the ball. He wasn't the best at throwing but he ought to give it a shot if the boy was waiting. He finally threw the ball. Everyone just stared at his horrible throw.

"You throw like a girl!" The boy pointed and his friends started laughing.

"Are we even surprised? He runs and talks like a girl." One boy said.

"He giggles too" another boy pointed out.

"Ew get out of here only boys are allowed no girls." The boy said sticking his tongue out.


Yunho bit his lip as he felt angry tears build in his eyes. His thoughts were rudely interrupted by his phone dinging. It was a text. He quickly finished in the shower to answer it.

Hoe bro: morning

                                                     what? :Me

Hoe bro: not even a good morning?

good morning sorry :Me

Hoe bro: I'm outside let's walk to school together

okay be down in a sec :Me

Hoe bro: litty

Yunho looked up from his phone and began to get dressed. He adjusted the uniform until it was his style then left the bathroom to grab his books. On his way to the door he peeked into his moms room.

"I'm gone." He said quickly before leaving, not waiting for a response.

Afterwards he made it down to his friend at the door.

"Yunho!" His friend cheered.

"Morning Jongho. What's got you so excited anyways?" Yunho greeted in a nonchalant manner.

"What's got you so down? It's the first day at a new school. New school means new girls." Jongho explained as they began to walk.

"God Jongho you gotta stop being such a hoe." Yunho couldn't help but laugh at the younger.

"What? It's not my fault my mom named me Jonghoe." He justified.

Yunho just rolled his eyes at his friend then looked down at his feet.

"I was serious though. Why are you so upset lately?" Jongho asked in a more caring tone.

Yunho stayed quiet. He never knew how to answer these questions. Him and Jongho have been friends for a long time but he still couldn't share his true feelings to him or anyone.

"I guess I'm just nervous. About moving to a new school. I'm bad at making friends." He half-lied just trying to give an answer.

Jongho could tell Yunho was lying but he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "Don't worry you'll be fine."

They finally made it to the school and they split up to their individual classes. Yunho walked to his class trying to look and act like a likable person as he walked. He made it to the class.

"You must be Jeong Yunho?" The teacher asked him.

"Yes sir." He said and the teacher led him into the class.

"Please introduce yourself to the class." The teacher said.

Yunho looked at the class of roughly thirty people. He was so nervous but he kept on his canine like smile. "Hi I'm Jeong Yunho and its nice to meet you all I hope we get along."

"As tradition we let one person ask you a get-to-know-you question before you sit down." The teacher said happily.

Yunho nodded and waited with anticipation. Until a rather short boy raised his hand. He had light blonde curly hair and an unwelcoming expression.

"What do you like most about yourself?" He spat out once the teacher gave him permission.

The whole room turned their attention back towards Yunho. He began to stutter. "W-well, I uhm.." Yunho couldn't answer truthfully to that question because there was no answer. He didn't like anything about himself.

"Come on there's got to be something." The teacher tried to rush him.

"I guess my imagination." Yunho said feeling more confident.

"Boo lame answer." The boy groaned.

"I think it's very clever actually. You may be seated Mr. Jeong." The teacher said turning to the board.

Yunho shyly made his way to a seat. "Psst." He heard someone whisper to him. He turned that direction.

"You can sit here." A boy with navy blue dyed hair wearing a rather interesting outfit, waved. Yunho sat in the seat next to him.

"It's Yunho right? I'm Kim Hongjoong." He whispered. 

Yunho gave a shy smile. He looked really friendly maybe he really will make some friends.


I hope you guys felt intrigued by the first chapter. Next one will be done soon. I hope this story comes out the way I want it to lol. Stay tuned.

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