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Jongho was at San's house. He and wooyoung were there to study but it turned into talking about Yunho and Mingi again. But of course it did. They all cared about the couple.

"I think we should've told Yunho sooner.." San admitted with a pout.

"No because we weren't prepared then.. if we said something it would've looked stupid." Jongho disagreed.

"But Yunho might be mad we hid it." San argued.

"Well we can't just make assumptions. We have to bring it up in a proper way." Jongho explained. "What if it's not true?"

Wooyoung scoffed. "What's a proper way to say his boyfriend is cheating." He pulled out a cigarette.

San looked at him with an angry face. "Another one?"

"Why does it matter?" Wooyoung groaned and lit it.

"Because I think you're too addicted." Sans face turned into a worried expression.

"San stop worrying about me I'm fine okay?" Wooyoung grumbled.

Jongho watched them bicker then changed the subject. "We should just bring it up like we don't think he's cheating."

"I still think that's partly lying because we know something is up. We have a video." San huffed.

"He doesn't have to see the video." Jongho sighed.

"Oh my god... I don't wanna hide stuff from him. That's so mean." San said surprised Jongho would suggest that.

"Are we telling him today?" Wooyoung asked. They had already planned to see Yunho that day. Because they planned to go to a restaurant with him. Originally it was going to be Jongho. But since he was at sans house Yunho suggested they all went. The more the merrier.

Jongho shrugged. "Maybe not in the restaurant but like in the car or after."

San nodded. "You promise? You can't change your mind now. It's been like two weeks almost. You gotta tell him. Cause obviously Mingi won't tell him."

Jongho nodded. He was so scared of what might happen. He just didn't want to ruin yunhos life by accidentally telling him a lie. But San was right his duty as a friend is to tell the truth. Even if it would hurt Yunho. It's for the better. What if Mingi pulls this again and gets away with it? Mingi should've said something first anyways he's actually doing Yunho a favor. He tried to trick himself into thinking he was doing the right thing.

Eventually they made it to the restaurant. Yunho actually picked them up and planned to drop them off. It was a very cute ramen shop. Yunho said he had went there before with Mingi and thought Jongho should try it.

"My favorite is the shoyu ramen." Yunho said. "But I think Mingi liked the spicy miso better."

"The miso sounds good." Wooyoung said.

They all had ordered their food. They ate and talked. Wooyoung and Jongho had completely forgotten about what they were going to tell Yunho. But San didn't. And he was still nervous.

They all had pretty much finished their food so Yunho had excused himself from the table to use the restroom before leaving. Yunho got up and left the table. San was chewing on his wooden chopsticks nervously. Jongho and wooyoung noticed and looked at him.

"Babe what's wrong?" Wooyoung asked looking a little concerned.

"Huh?" San asked cluelessly then put his chopsticks down. They were split and all chewed out.

"What do you mean huh? You're eating your chopsticks and you haven't really touched your food." Wooyoung scolded.

"Those are some strong teeth." Jongho mumbled looking at the chopsticks.

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