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Yeosang left the school and began to walk home. He sighed and pulled his hoodie over his head. He looked at his phone. The lockscreen had a picture of Mingi on it.

'I hate you.' He sighed under his breath.

He continued home. On the way home he always walked passed a cute coffee shop. It was where he and Mingi used to date after school. He smiled at the memory as he looked through the window. Suddenly his heart dropped.

"M-Mingi.. and Yunho?!" He gasped and stared in shock. "That son of a bitch."

He bursted into tears and ran the rest of the way home.

He busted into his house and threw his things onto the floor. He took off his shoes throwing them at the maid.

"Yeosang? You're home already. How are you?" He's mother asked walking to him.

"No! Don't touch me." He pushed her away and stomped in anger.

"Yeosangie.. what's wrong?" His mother asked rubbing his back.

Yeosang only hugged her and sobbed on her shoulder. She rubbed his back.

"What happened to my baby? Who hurt my baby's feelings?" She cooed and pat his back.

Yeosang suddenly pulled himself together. "Eomma I wanna move schools."

"Move? Yeosangie you begged to stay at that school." His mother gasped. "What changed? Is it grades? Teachers? The school was very hard to bribe. I'm sorry."

"No. I hate someone and I don't wanna see them again. So please." Yeosang said.

"Yeosang.. I'll get them expelled. What's their name?"

"No! I just want to leave. Don't do anything to them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.. can you do that?"

"You know I'll do anything to make you happy."

Yeosang nodded and walked to his room. He laid on his bed and cried into his pillow. He heard his phone vibrate and looked at it. the message was from Seonghwa. It read;

"You left your jacket at school. I'll bring it tomorrow. I hope you got home safely."

Yeosang texted back almost immediately. "Thanks. But actually I'll pick it up from your place."

"Okay sure." Seonghwa answered.

Yeosang hopped out the bed and began to change. He threw on a sweatshirt and sweat pants then proceeded to clean up his face. He left the house and got on his bike and left.

Eventually Yeosang made it to Seonghwa's house. He knocked on the door. Seonghwa opened the door.

"Yeosangie! Hi, here's your jacket. You really didn't have to come all the way down-" Seonghwa started.

"Actually.. can I come in?" Yeosang interrupted.

"Of course!" Seonghwa moved from the door letting Yeosang in. "Come to my room."

They walked to Seonghwa's room and sat on the bed.

Seonghwa looked Yeosang in the eyes. "You've been crying."

"I know. I just wanted to tell you something. I didn't wanna tell anyone about it. But I just can't handle it alone anymore." Yeosang said as tears filled his eyes.

"Yeosang. You know I'm here for you. I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you. I knew I could trust you. It's about Mingi. We broke up."

"Oh.. oh no." Seonghwa said. He didn't necessarily feel sad though. He secretly hoped they would leave each other.

"I broke up with him. And now we're fighting. He wants me back or whatever. He's been talking to Yunho too. I don't know what he's doing. It's like he's trying to use Yunho to get over me. I'm just tired and I haven't cried about it yet so I broke down today." Yeosang explained, blatantly lying. He began to cry again.

"Oh Yeosang I'm so sorry. Break ups can be tough." He gave Yeosang some tissues and hugged him.

"You're the only one I can talk to. Thank you." Yeosang said and cleaned his face.

"Of course." Seonghwa smiled.

Yeosang sat up and looked at Seonghwa. He bit his lips and leaned in. Seonghwa looked around and leaned in as well. Suddenly their lips met. Yeosang grabbed Seonghwa's face and began to kiss him passionately. Seonghwa kissed back, holding Yeosang's waist. Yeosang gently pulled away.

"Fuck." Seonghwa cursed under his breath.

"You're a good kisser. I didn't expect that." Yeosang licked his lips.

"Why not?" Seonghwa cocked his head.

"I don't know. You've never really.."

Seonghwa smiled and shook his head. "It's okay. I get it. I'm not insulted."

"I should get home." Yeosang grabbed his jacket and got up.

"Uhh.. okay please be safe. Text me when you get home." Seonghwa said.

Yeosang laughed a bit. "You're so cute."

"I'm not. I just want you to be okay. It's getting late." He huffed.

"Thank you."

"Of course. Now Leave quickly before it gets too dark."

Yeosang smiled and quickly went home. He made it back safely and sat on his bed. He had to admit. He had no feelings for Seonghwa. But he couldn't act like he was sad when Mingi was just fine. He had to at least hide his jealousy. Was it wrong for him to lead Seonghwa on? Sure. But Seonghwa would never find out.


Idk what I'm doing y'all. I hope y'all enjoy. Lmao

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