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San was sitting in wooyoungs bed. He sighed. Wooyoung was sitting next to him. He had a blunt between his lips. He slowly breathed in the smoke. San looked at Wooyoung.

"Mom made dinner. She's gonna pick us up." San said.

Wooyoung nodded and sighed. "I'm not even gonna pack. I already have plenty of clothes at your house."

San smiled. "Mhm. You stay over all the time." San looked at his phone. "Mom is here!"

They both got up and left to get in sans moms car. San and Wooyoung had been close ever since they were little kids. But they had only been dating for a while. Wooyoung would always stay at sans place. Wooyoung and his dad didn't get along well and his mom had passed away a year ago. Ever since wooyoungs mom died. He had been drinking and getting high all the time to ease the pain. His dad became violent because of the incident and so sans mom would take care of Wooyoung.

San stared out the window and sighed. He still remembered the day that he got the news.


"Noona! Eomma! Noona won't stop bothering me!" San said as he and his sister fought in the middle of the store. His sister laughed at her victory.

"Quiet down!" Their mom angrily told them as she had the phone to her ear.

San saw her face and they both calmed down. After shopping they all got to the car.

San saw that his mom looked very serious. He looked out the window. "Where are we going? Is this another way home?"

"We aren't going home yet." His mom said plainly.

"Why?" San asked and looked at his sister who shrugged.

San stopped asking assuming he upset his mom at the store because their fighting. His mom had quietly told his sister something leaving her to gasp and suddenly get quiet as well.

"Noona what happened?" He asked and watched as they pulled into the hospital. A knot began to form in his stomach as he imagined the worst. "Please say something." He said more quietly.

"Wooyoung and his mother got into a car accident." Sans mom said as she took a shaky breath.

San gulped not knowing how to react. "Is Wooyoung okay?"

"Wooyoung is fine." She said before getting out the car and motioning for them to get out too.

San sighed with relief that Wooyoung wasn't hurt. "Was his mom injured?" He asked and walked with them to wooyoungs room.

"She didn't make it."

San felt his heart shatter as he heard the news. "W-what. E-eomma." He stuttered not knowing how to react to such news. "No.." he felt tears fill his eyes.

He didn't imagine worse enough.


The car stopped. They made it to sans house. San quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. The memory always brought him to tears. They all got out the car and went into the house.

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