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Seonghwa wiped the tears from his face. He was at home sitting in the living room. He watched the tv as he sipped his wine. He felt so bad for Yunho. The pain filled cries still haunted him. He thought some wine could ease his nerves. So far it's been working. He wondered if he should warn Mingi that Yunho already knew. It would make Mingi tell Yunho sooner. But Mingi should come to tell Yunho on his own. To seonghwa, it just seemed like Mingi didn't even care about what he did to Yunho. Maybe Mingi really was a bad person. He's just showing his true colors.

Seonghwa sighed and poured himself another glass of wine. He turned off the tv and went to the bathroom to begin running a bath. He put some soap in the bath and lit some candles.

"It's about time I had a little spa treatment." Seonghwa hummed and began to take out all of his skincare products.

He began to do his skincare routine and undress. Suddenly he heard his phone ringing. He picked it up and saw it was a FaceTime from Hongjoong. He scrambled to get in the bath and answer the phone.

"Hongjoong hi! What perfect timing." He said a little sarcastically, a little embarrassed that he was naked in front of Hongjoong. Even if Hongjoong couldn't see anything.

Hongjoong wasn't looking at the screen. "Oh really? What am I interrupting?" He asked and picked up his phone. "Oh- oh shit I've never seen you naked before." Hongjoong teased, blushing a bit.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "Shut the fuck up.. you can barely see anything." Seonghwa smirked. "You're blushing? What are you imagining?" He teased a bit.

"Don't ask unless you want to hear the answer." Hongjoong chuckled.

Seonghwa began to blush. "Why did you call?" Seonghwa changed the subject.

"Oh? Do I need a reason? Just wanted to bother you." Hongjoong replied with a shrug.

"No no you don't need a reason. It's actually better if you don't have a reason." Seonghwa smiled cutely.

Hongjoong smiled back at seonghwa. He thought his smile was so cute. "Why is that?" He asked.

"Well.. I don't know.. somehow it makes me happy that you don't have a reason." Seonghwa laughed nervously covering his face.

"No don't cover your face. Your shy face is my favorite." Hongjoong pouted.

"Oh god no I make such ugly faces. It's always embarrassing." Seonghwa shook his head.

"Don't say that. All of your faces are so cute." Hongjoong scolded.

"Stop you're making it worse." Seonghwa pouted.

Hongjoong watched as seonghwa's lips pouted. He wanted to kiss him so bad. "I wish I was there."

Seonghwa blinked. "Here right now? Why is that?"

"Well I mean I wish we could cuddle together. But I guess I shouldn't interrupt bath time." Hongjoong explained.

"You wouldn't interrupt me. You're always welcome... even to bathtime." Seonghwa said with a slight wink then looked away quickly.

"Ugh I can't stand flirting over the phone... I wish I was with you." Hongjoong groaned but still with a smile.

"Well then get your ass over here." Seonghwa laughed. Then Hongjoong suddenly hung up. "Oh." Seonghwa said before texting Hongjoong to see if he was coming over.

He slowly got out of the tub and put on a robe. He cleaned up and poured a second glass of wine for Hongjoong in the living room. 'I should change,' he thought. Then he paused. 'Should I?' He bit his lips thinking about Hongjoong.

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