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Empty bottles laid around sans room. They only multiplied when wooyoung got there. Wooyoung was in bed holding a drunk delirious San. He was drinking a bottle himself. Wooyoung dropped the bottle and looked in sans eyes.

He wasn't sure what condition san was in when he texted him. But he was hoping he wasn't drunk. Either way he didn't really care he just missed san. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm so sorry sannie.. I.." he stuttered.

"I missed you so much. Don't leave me again. Please.." San said between hiccups.

Wooyoung smiled. He always thought sans drunk hiccups were cute. "I know.. I miss you too.. I don't wanna leave you. Ever again."

Wooyoung felt a tear roll down his cheek. He breathed in smoke from his blunt then kissed San. Wooyoung felt his face heat up. San kissed back and they began to make out. Both of them felt touch deprived so this felt so good.

Sans face turned red and he began to squirm. He clung onto wooyoungs chest as he squirmed humping him.

"Wooyoungie." He whined and bit his lip.

"Yes baby?" Wooyoung asked placing his arms around San.

"Please.. I need you."

A smirk grew on wooyoungs face as he began to kiss San again. San kissed back and they began to make out. San tugged on wooyoungs pants. Wooyoung knew what that meant and took sans lead.

They managed to stay all night in bed together that day.


San shook his head. He was having breakfast with his family. He remembered that night so vividly. It was a little gross to remember while he was sitting at the table with his parents.

"Sannie are you gonna finish eating?" His mother asked.

San nodded quickly. "Y-yeah.." he stuttered then began to stuff his face. "Done!"

"Choi San. Don't eat so fast. You'll get a worse stomach ache." His mother scolded. San already felt sick from the alcohol but he convinced his mom it was just a bug.

San gulped the food down and shook his head. "No I feel fine! May I be excused?"

His mother looked at his father and his father only shrugged. San took that was a yes and left the table.

San ran up to his room and looked at the window. It was opened. He remembered wooyoung climbing out at some point. He sighed. He was embarrassed about wooyoung coming at first. But now he wished he would've had the courage to go to him when he was sober. It was so conflicting. He didn't know what to do. Looked at his bed. He picked up shiber before burring his face in it and screaming.

Eventually san began to clean his room. It was an absolute mess and he didn't wanna leave it that way. Once his room was clean and his sheets were being washed he heard his phone ring. He looked at it and it was seonghwa. He picked up the phone and answered.

Seonghwa was wondering if San wanted to hang out and San agreed. He didn't normally hang out with seonghwa but he supposed that he should use this as an opportunity to get to know him.


San and seonghwa made it to the park. They found a nice place to sit and began to talk.

"I thought maybe it would be nice to have company since we've both had a rough week." Seonghwa said sitting and crossing his legs.

San nodded and looked down at his hands. "So what's up with you?" He asked.

"Me? Just relationship problems." Seonghwa said softly. "Me and yeosang are officially over."

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