Chapter 13

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groupchat: Chaos and Alcohol

cockroach: girls are you really all hooked up?

warrior: wait all? I thought I was the only one

cockroach: well Raven went away with a girl 10 minutes ago and Clarke is kind of dancing with another one

warrior: aww are you feeling lonely Murphy?

cockroach: naah cockroaches don't feel lonely

warrior: yeah, you're right lol

warrior: well enjoy your night then, I'm a little busy here

cockroach: keep the details for yourself next time small Blake

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cockroach: keep the details for yourself next time small Blake

*a few minutes before*

someone suddenly tapped on Lexa's shoulder, she turned around and met bright blue eyes staring at her. Those oceans felt oddly familiar but she hadn't had the time to think about it because the girl had already dragged her on the dance floor.

"What-" was all she's been able to say after she got away from the girl's hold "Dance with me Raeee" "Wait. You are drunk" Lexa put her hands on the girl's to stop her. They're eyes met once more and Lexa felt again that strange feeling "Wait you're not Raven" the blonde girl looked at her, confusion covering her blue eyes "No I'm not" Lexa giggled rubbing the back of her head with a hand "You're hot tho" the girl's mood changed in a second from dumb to flirty and Lexa bit her lip, she was hot too. And offly familiar, the brunette was sure she had already run her eyes down the curves of a body like that.
"Take a photo, it lasts more" the blonde's voice took Lexa back to reality "So you wanna dance or not?" the brunette dared to ask and she smiled when the other nodded.

*the present*

Clarke was still dancing with the hot brunette she dragged on the dance floor thinking she was Raven and they were actually getting along, well if by getting along you mean sensually dancing a few inches apart then yes, they were definitely getting along.

"Do you want a drink?" the brunette asked without stopping their dance and Clarke nodded before grabbing her wrist and dragging her to the table with the drinks "Is this a thing now?" the girl talked again pointing at Clarke's hand wrapped around her wrist "Yeah you could say that" Clarke smiled and reached to grab a bottle of beer but the brunette stopped her and then handed her a bottle of water "I think it's better if you drink this" Clarke gently chuckled and took a sip "So..." the brunette looked at her taking a sip of her drink "Can I have the honour of knowing your name or do I have to keep avoid calling you with weird nicknames by accident?" Clarke's blue eyes met the girl's green ones and the blonde let out a small sigh when she felt her stomach flip "I'm Clarke" she simply said, not able to add anything else "Pleasure to meet you Clarke" the other girl then took Clarke's hand and gently kissed it gaining a smile from the blonde "You're such a flirt" Clarke heard her name coming out from the brunette's mouth once but it was enough to make her realize how the way she said it drove her mind crazy.


I know this chapter ends all of a sudden but at least it's longer than usual, right?
Well I hope you enjoyed it, remember to vote and comment if you did


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