Chapter 19

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Once she got to the art studio she took a deep breath, sure that was her safe place but before she could leave behind her the bad memories she had to see them all again flashing in her mind.

It was painful, but it was the only choice she had if she really wanted to forget everything while she was inside the studio. So she did it, eyes shut closed just like her hands were now closed in fists as all those nightmares started playing in her mind.

A gentle stroke on her cheek woke her up and she yawned before opening her eyes and meeting her father's. It was their last morning together before Jake's business trip to Arkadia and they had a lot of things to do, but first the man had to head somewhere.
Clarke had no idea where he was going and she didn't asked, she just wanted to be with him as soon as possible so she waited and waited and waited..

Her thoughts, now filling the air, were interrupted by the loud ringing of her phone she picked it up and looked at the screen 'Mom💖' why was her mother calling? She was supposed to be at work all day, Clarke answered as her leg started shaking and then she heard her mother's voice. Broken, more shaky than her leg, an almost inaudible whisper. But Clarke understood every words, every single words and the silence was broken by the sound of her phone falling down from her hand. 'Dad had an accident, it's really bad Clarke... He didn't make it' her mum's words kept ringing in her ears all the way to the hospital and when she arrived her worst nightmare became true. Abby's words were real, the accident was real, that moment was real, Jake's death was real.

She opened the front door slowly as those memories left her head and immediately headed to the pile of white canvas to choose the size of her next work. She had to distract herself from reality as usual and for this time Clarke decided to paint something smaller. She took one of the canvas and then prepared the brushes, after turning on her playlist at a really high volume the blonde started painting.


She washed her brushes and posted the new painting on Instagram then sat on the floor watching at her other drawings, she always prefered abstract paintings but a certain couple of deep green eyes never left her mind and she ended up following tha...

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She washed her brushes and posted the new painting on Instagram then sat on the floor watching at her other drawings, she always prefered abstract paintings but a certain couple of deep green eyes never left her mind and she ended up following that flow, drawing the mysterious forest hided behind them.

Clarke hoped that she could free herself of those thoughts too but they were still there, the memories of her night with Lexa were still there knocking on her mind taking all the free space left by the other memories and eventually the blonde decided to try something else to stop them from driving her crazy.

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