Chapter 74

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Lexa sat up on the bed, head in her hands "What have we done" her watery eyes met sleepy blue ones when she turned her head "You are taken, I am taken... They don't deserve this" Clarke sighed putting her shirt back on, not saying a word. What was she supposed to say? I am your girlfriend sorry for lying but I was scared to tell you the truth? I was scared that you might think that I wanted you just because you're rich. That this, us, is all a lie. Yeah, that was the right thing to do but she was too much of a coward to do it.

Meanwhile Lexa dressed up and was now leaning against the door typing on her phone "What are you doing?" the blonde asked quietly "I'm fixing this damn mistake, I'm gonna apologize and I'm gonna meet her. What I did today it's because I can't have her and I don't wanna use you, I don't want anyone to get hurt" Clarke's eyes widened and she started searching anxiously for her phone, the screen lit up as soon as the brunetted stopped typing and she quickly turned it off.

Right after Lexa left Clarke checked her notifications to answer her girlfriend's texts.

private chat:

stranger💕: babygirl

stranger💕: babe we need to talk

stranger💕: text me asap

stranger💕: I shouldn't have snapped at you like that

stranger💕: answer me please
seen at 8:37am

Clarke: look who decided to show up, what's wrong?

stranger💕: I need to see you

Clarke: can I get at least an apology?

stranger💕: I'm sorry for how I treated you...

Clarke: and I'm sorry for how I ghosted you a whole day

stranger💕: this mystery had been going on for long enough, I can't take it anymore

Clarke: well... I guess it's time then

stranger💕: we already know that we live in the same city

stranger💕: please understand and accept...

Clarke: I already told you that I'm okay with it, we can meet

Clarke: you're right, this distance will make us do bad things

stranger💕: oh sorry I was rambling...

Clarke: so... When and where?

stranger💕: there's a nice park near my house, we can meet there maybe tomorrow?

Clarke: tomorrow is fine, send me the address

stranger💕: okay, see you tomorrow then

Clarke: yeah, see you tomorrow

Clarke turned off her phone and sighed; she layed on her bed and looked at the ceiling, her heart was racing. This was it. The end of the show she had put up. They were going to meet.

Hi stranger-ClexaWhere stories live. Discover now