Chapter 52

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*Rae Rae 5 missed calls*
*stranger💕 1 missed call*

Fuck. Clarke had lost track of the time while painting and ended up checking her phone after six hours. She had been MIA for the whole afternoon.

private chat:

Clarke: hey Rae


Clarke: I'm sorryyyy, I didn't realize how late it was

Rae Rae: I understand what that studio does to you and I understand that you don't wanna tell us the address but if you're gonna be MIA for this long you should warn me

Clarke: I know I know, I said I'm sorry

Rae Rae: you better text the others, we were all really worried... You know since last time

Clarke: I thought we agreed on never talking about this... Ever. Ever. Again.

Rae Rae: and we won't, but can you blame us? It's a quite similar situation

Clarke: I'm going home now and I'm fine, okay?

Rae Rae: text me when you get home

Clarke: sure, it's raining but nothing to worry about

Clarke: sure, it's raining but nothing to worry about

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Rae Rae: hurry up please

Clarke: will do don't worry <3

Clarke: will do don't worry <3

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private chat:

Clarke: stranger, are you still up?

stranger💕: ofc I'm still up I'm not an grandma remember?

Clarke: 😂

stranger💕: where have you been all day?

Clarke: yeah sorry, I spent the day painting and lost track of time

stranger💕: oh okay, have some new pieces of art to show me?

Clarke: yes, I'm still out but I have a couple of paintings with me

stranger💕: you're not home yet?

Clarke: no, still walking

stranger💕: it's late babygirl... Can't you call one of your friends?

Clarke: they don't know where my studio is. Don't worry I'm almost there

stranger💕: okay I'm just worried

Clarke had been walking for almost 20 minutes now, she was almost home and her feet were starting to hurt "Cmon Clarke, only a couple more minutes" she whipered to herself.

Why on earth did she decided to go there on foot? She had no idea, but she did it and now she had to pay the consequences... Huh this hit her a little too close to home. She was going to pay the consequences for another stupid thing she did, actually that she was still doing. This stranger thing wasn't a good idea, she knew that but still she didn't wanted to say the truth but that wasn't a problem anymore.

Once again, while drawing, she hadn't been able to keep Lexa out of her mind and she came up with a pretty good idea, according to her. She was going to get closer to Lexa as Clarke, then dump her as the stranger and in the end Clarke would be the sweet friend there to comfort her.

It was a good plan, she just had to face up to the fact that she was going to hurt Lexa, a lot. Sure Clarke would be there to comfort her but the stranger would leave her and hurt her... Was it fair? To see Lexa suffer because of her but not having to pay for it?

Clarke, completely distracted by her thoughts, had walked past her house a few minutes ago without even realizing it. She kept walking and walking and thinking until a solid hold on her wrist made her freeze.

"What is such a pretty girl doing out alone this late?"

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