Chapter 28

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private chat:

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private chat:

Raven: Clarke what is happening why are you screaming?

Dumbass: I'm talking to Lexa

Raven: I knew it! I gotta tell Luna


Raven: jeez Clarke why?

Dumbass: I'm actually talking to that stranger, yes it's Lexa but don't tell Luna, don't tell anyone

Raven: oh god you haven't told her that you already knew each other?!

Dumbass: of course not!

Raven: BUT WHY

Dumbass: idk maybe she'll think that I talk to her just bc she's LEXA WOODS

Raven: okay, yeah I get it but you gotta fix this

Dumbass: how am I supposed to fix this?

Raven: stop texting her, simple as that

Raven: she's gonna forget you, you're just strangers after all

Dumbass: I already tried Rae, she got worried and I felt so so bad :/

Raven: this is a fucking mess, you know it right?

Dumbass: yes I know but for now let's just see where it goes

Raven: where it goes what? Your relationship with her?

Dumbass: WHAT?!

Raven: you had a date tonight, you have another date tomorrow and you obviously like her

Dumbass: yeah but she likes someone else...


Dumbass: no wait that's not what I meant

Raven: but that's what you wrote, ooh I knew it!

Dumbass: okay I may have a tiny crush on her but now what? She likes someone else

Raven: which "you" was she speaking to when she said that?

Dumbass: both

Raven: maybe she lied to one of them?

Dumbass: it's surely not the real me tho, she texted me saying she was going out with a friend and it wasn't a date bc she has her eyes on someone else

Dumbass: she also stepped back earlier, bc I may have tried to kiss her

Raven: mkay and you said that she's really attached to the "stranger"?

Dumbass: yeah but how could she fall for someone she has never met

Raven: you seemed interested in her before knowing who she was too

Dumbass: so you think she has a crush for me? I mean- for the girl she's texting not knowing that she's me

Raven: as crazy as it sounds yes. I'm pretty sure about that

Dumbass: oh god this is so confusing

Dumbass: well, thank you Rae

Raven: np Clarkey

Dumbass: now go back to your girl so that I can go back to mine

Dumbass: now go back to your girl so that I can go back to mine

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Hi stranger-ClexaWhere stories live. Discover now