Chapter 77

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"Guys I found her, she was hiding in the closet" Raven dragged Clarke out of the closet, the blonde was holding those stolen bottles like they were the biggest treasure ever found. They went back in the living room and joined the others on the couch.

"So what are you gonna do about it Clarke?" Bellamy curiously looked at her "You told him?" Clarke gave a desperate look to her best friend and covered her face with a pillow, then she screamed. "I don't know, I guess I'm just gonna meet her at the park" "So this is it? This is how you fix the situation?" Octavia took a sip from her glass after speaking, waiting for an answer "I guess so, what am I supposed to do? Not show up? That would be just worse" Clarke sighed and finished another bottle of beer "Okay you've drunk enough alcohol for today princess" Bellamy grabbed the empty bottle from her hand and put it on the table.

"I can make this work, I'll apologize everyday until I die if I have to" the others exchanged worried looks while listening to Clarke rambling "I tried to send her away yesterday, I really tried but she wanted to stay and she is just so hot and she had that fucking suit on and-" "Yeah we got the point Griff but now? Are you going to act like you didn't know or are you finally going to tell her?" Raven was intensely staring at her and Clarke shrugged "I'll tell her, I have to end this train of lies" Raven clapped and let out a small laugh "Fucking finally!" "It's the right thing Clarke" both Murphy and Bellamy were smiling at her "But be careful" Octavia added "You don't know how she's going to react so stay calm" the blonde nodded "I need sleep now, I've been up the whole night" she winked at them with a mischievous smirk on her face and stumbled upstairs, back to her room.

"How fucked is she in a scale from one to Clarke Griffin?" Murphy joked but his friends gave him worried looks and stayed quiet "Too soon. Got it" the house was silent and an anxious feeling was rising in their stomachs, Raven finally spoke "She's gonna ruin everything isn't she?" Octavia nodded slowly "Lexa is not going to be happy when she realized the stranger is Clarke" "Well she should be, she isn't a cheater she should be relieved" Murphy adds a little confused "Lincoln talks a lot about her, she's probably feeling like shit right now because she thinks she cheated on her girlfriend and that's why she apologized so quickly this morning" the others were now focused on Octavia and she continued "Knowing that Clarke knew and let Lexa feel like this is gonna make her so angry, so so angry. I know telling the truth is the best thing to do but I'm afraid Clarke is gonna ruin everything with her" Bellamy sighed "If she screws up, she will react just like when Finn first ended things with her" Raven hummed in agreement "We're gonna try to change her mind if she does, but first she has to tell the truth".

 I know telling the truth is the best thing to do but I'm afraid Clarke is gonna ruin everything with her" Bellamy sighed "If she screws up, she will react just like when Finn first ended things with her" Raven hummed in agreement "We're gonna try...

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