Chapter 73

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There was no space left between them, their tongues were dancing together in sweet and harmonized moves that were driving the two girls crazy

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There was no space left between them, their tongues were dancing together in sweet and harmonized moves that were driving the two girls crazy.

Lexa knew this was wrong, she knew there was no way her girlfriend wouldn't find out eventually but she didn't pull away. She kept the blonde close to her, both hands now resting gently on the girl's waist.
On the other hand Clarke wasn't even thinking about the consequences, in that moment the only thing she craved more than oxygen was to kiss the girl she fell in love with, the tall brunette that made her realize what it was like to love and to be loved.

Sadly Lexa wasn't aware of the situation and she broke the kiss, interrupting their magic moment "This... This is wrong" she whispered on Clarke's lips without breath. The blonde nodded, trying with all of her willpower to keep her eyes away from the other's pink lips. Lexa took her hands off Clarke's waist and looked everywhere but in her eyes, she knew that if she did it again she wouldn't be able to resist the urge to kiss her. That kiss. It was wrong, really wrong. Then why did it feel so right? Why did it feel like their lips where meant to be together?

Clarke took a step back, eyes locked on the floor. She sighed and then talked for the first time since the kiss, gaining the brunette's attention "It's really late, you should go now" Lexa blinked a few times, remembering the feeling of Clarke's lips on hers "Can I stay?" she said before she could stop herself from that huge mistake

*nsfw scene that I won't write since I don't feel comfortable in writing one*

Clarke woke up the next morning and when she turned around her eyes met Lexa's back tattoo, she smiled and then her eyes widened as the realization of what she did settled in her stomach, making her sick. She quickly grabbed her phone and she found lots of notifications and missed calls from her friends. Fuck.

private chat:

Rae Rae: I know you said you were gonna be MIA all afternoon but Luna is worried

Rae Rae: is Lexa still with you? She's not home yet

Rae Rae: Griff you better have a good excuse for this or you're dead

private chat:

Octavia💀❤: Clarke where are you?

Octavia💀❤: Raven called, Luna is going crazy tell us something

Octavia💀❤: please tell me you're okay Clarke, I'm getting worried too...

private chat:

Unknown: Clarke it's Luna

Unknown: you two better be having sex or I swear I'm gonna end you for making me worry so much

Unknown: just tell me Lexa is with you and you two are okay, please

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Fuck" Clarke started mumbling while scrolling through all the other texts, even Bellamy and Lincoln texted her "Okay calm down Clarke, calm down... Everything's gonna be fine you just have to calm down" she was definitely freaking out, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath then she texted the only person she thought she could blindly trust

private chat:

Clarke: Rae this is an emergency

Clarke: SOS text me ASAP


Rae Rae: we had been going crazy since yesterday, AT NOON

Rae Rae: what is wrong with you?

Clarke: I know Rae I'm sorry, I lost track of time but something happened

Clarke: something bad Rae...

Rae Rae: please tell me it's not who I think it is

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Rae Rae: please tell me it's not who I think it is

Rae Rae: tell me you got drunk and you had sex with a random chick while Lexa was in the other room

Clarke: no Raven... She's Lexa

Rae Rae: wait- you told her?

Clarke: no...

Rae Rae: Clarke wth?

Clarke: I know I'm an asshole but it just happened

Clarke: when we kissed I tried to send her away because I know she's gonna freak out but she wanted to stay and one thing led to another and now we're here

Rae Rae: okay uhm well at least you know she wants you right?

Clarke: trying to look at the bright side?

Rae Rae: yes, keep your mouth shut before things get out of hands

Clarke: of fucking course! I'm not dumb

Clarke: you on the other hand, not a word not even with Octavia

Rae Rae: I promise, but I wanna know how she reacts when she wakes up

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