Chapter 62

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After the accident they all gathered together to talk and joke but the group soon diveded again in smaller ones, depending on their conversation

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After the accident they all gathered together to talk and joke but the group soon diveded again in smaller ones, depending on their conversation.

"... And then she- Clarke look!" Lexa and Clarke were walking on the shore as the brunette was rambling about the tv show she was seeing at the moment. She pointed at a small kiosk in front of them "Oh my god they sell mangoes" Clarke widened both her eyes and her smile she grabbed Lexa's wrist and dragged her to the kiosk, the other girl laughed and when they got there she looked at the blonde "It has been a while since you did this, I almost started thinking it wasn't our thing anymore" Lexa had a sweet smile printed on her face and hinted at her wrist closed in Clarke's hold.

Clarke mimicked her laugh and loosened the grip, their hands slipped one in the other and a warm wave invaded Lexa as the blonde girl automatically crossed their fingers together "I've never tried mangoes" Lexa spoke trying not to make her voice shake because of the impact that weird feeling gave her "Never?!Where have you lived all this time, under a rock?" Clarke gave her a shocked look and then asked for two mangoes. Once the owner of the kiosk had prepared them Clarke had to leave Lexa's hand to pay for them, the brunette rubbed her hands together trying to make the annoying feeling of emptiness go away.

"Cmon try it, I can assure you it's delicious" Clarke said as she started eating her mango, Lexa was a bit insecure but after the puppy eyes that Clarke gave her she gave up and took a bite "Oh my god" she giggled surprised, eyes bright and wide "You're right it's awesome"

"Cmon try it, I can assure you it's delicious" Clarke said as she started eating her mango, Lexa was a bit insecure but after the puppy eyes that Clarke gave her she gave up and took a bite "Oh my god" she giggled surprised, eyes bright and wide "...

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