Chapter 50

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groupchat: Chaos and Alcohol

cockroach: Clarke

bellblake: Clarke

cockroach: Clarke Griffin

cockroach: GRIFFINNNN

bellblake: princeeeeeeess

cockroach: Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke

space mechanic: I'm so gonna kill Octavia for this

bellblake: Raven why didn't you tell us

cockroach: you betrayed me Reyes... Again! I'm very disappointed in you

spacemechanic: and I'm disappointed in Octavia

warrior: I'm sorry it slipped!

spacemechanic: look at them O, Clarke's gonna kill me

cockroach: well I'm definitely gonna help her


bellblake: so Murphy and Clarke are gonna kill Raven and Raven is gonna kill Octavia... Well guess we're gonna need new friends then

princess: wth is happening here?

spacemechanic: Octavia told the guys about the Lexa thing


warrior: oh thank you Clarke

cockroach: Griffin this is huge!

bellblake: oh hi princess yeah thank you for not considering us


warrior: sorry Raven

cockroach: sorry...

spacemechanic: this is what happens when you keep secrets between your family Clarkey

warrior: well you were the one who said "better not tell the guys about this" Raven

cockroach: heart's been broken so many times... </3

princess: can we please not talk about this? It's a mess I know but I'm gonna fix it

spacemechanic: when? It's been going on for like a week, you're even her girlfriend

princess: idk I'll find a way

warrior: okay Clarke but you better be careful 'cause they are our friends too

cockroach: yeah basically you're dead if you screw this up

princess: wow... Really supportive guys, can we change the subject now?

warrior: we're going to the beach

princess: cool, when?

warrior: idk yet, Luna is organizing it I think

spacemechanic: we should make a groupchat with all of us

princess: NO WE CAN'T

bellblake: why? I think it's a good idea

cockroach: princess already has Lexa's number, stay focused Bellamy

spacemechanic: okay nvm, just tell him we're down for it

warrior: k

princess: yeah, I'll be there

bellblake: can we ask you some questions about this situation?

princess: we who?

bellblake: Murphy and I

cockroach: hell no, don't drag me in I'm innocent

cockroach: also, I have my way to discover everything

princess: that's creepy

bellblake: so?

princess: no, I gtg bye

warrior: I thought we were going out today

princess: sorry, something came up

warrior: Lexa?

princess: my life isn't always Lexa

princess: I just gotta go to the art studio

spacemechanic: so you are going after all

princess: yup, I talked to Lexa so now I can go and distract myself

warrior: not always Lexa huh?

princess: fuck you O

warrior: shut up you love me

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