Chapter 36

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Clarke's cheeks were burning "Shut up asshole" she answered bursting in a cute laugh caused by her girlfriend's comment, Lexa followed her right after and they were now both laughing uncontrollably.

"You ruined the mood babygirl" Clarke pictured a cute pouting Lexa in her mind "It's your horny ass fault" the brunette's pout changed in a smirk "I bet you're as horny as me, that's why you reacted that way" "You have no proofs" "You're lucky my cousin is home with her girlfriend, but next time I'll get my proofs" Clarke bit her lip at the thought. She knew damn well that she would have been able to touch her, to feel her, to kiss her. She only needed to say those words and hope to not fuck it up. She didn't though and that's what was going to fuck it up.


"Hey stranger can I ask you a question?" Clarke yawned mid sentence, it was really late and they had been talking for almost 4 hours straight now. None of them was tired enough to hang up, they were both too happy and invested n their silly conversations to realize how late it was. "Sure, everything. As long as your not asking for a nude, in that case I think it's still too soon babygirl" the blonde girl giggled and asked the question without hesitating too much in order to not let her imagination land in hornyland, again "No no, I just wanted to know where do you live... Is it okay?" "I live in Polis" Clarke faked a shocked gasp, she already knew that obviously but Lexa's girlfriend didn't.

"Everything okay?" Lexa spoke again, worried about Clarke's silence "Yeah sorry, it's just... We live in the same city" Lexa heard the wide smile on the blonde's face through the phone and a smile was now replacing her worried expression "Really?" "Yes, really" "Oh my god this is such a good thing to know" Lexa stood up, excited "Oh my god what if we already ran into each other?" she was laughing, her eyes were full of happiness "Yeah it's crazy, maybe we met and we think the other is annoying" Clarke was having a hard time keeping up her act, she hated to lie but she wasn't ready to say the truth. Not yet. "I would never find you annoying babygirl" "I'm sure you used to find me annoying when we first started texting" Lexa rolled her eyes, going back under the sheets of her bed "You're right... But it lasted only one day so it doesn't count" "Okay okay, I guess I am that awesome" the blonde yawned again "You know that you can go to sleep if you're tired right? I should go to..." Clarke smiled at Lexa's caring side and nodded but soon realized she wasn't able to see her "I think it's better if we go then" "Thank you for this call... Goodnight babygirl" "Goodnight stranger".

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