Chapter 41

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Lincoln and Octavia stood up once the film ended "We're gonna go, thank you for the lunch and the company" the girl spoke quickly and they rushed out of the house

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Lincoln and Octavia stood up once the film ended "We're gonna go, thank you for the lunch and the company" the girl spoke quickly and they rushed out of the house. "They've been waiting to leave and do it since the scene in the garage" Murphy also got up from the couch, followed by Bellamy "Can you give me a ride back Murph? My sister was apparently too distracted to remember that she drove me here".

Clarke started gently stroking Lexa's cheek to wake her up, a few seconds later the brunette opened her eyes " Morning sleepy head" Clarke smiled and Lexa put her hand over Clarke's without thinking. Blue met green and melted in it, mixed with it and once again everything else disappeared; the blonde knew she would have never stopped needing to feel like that, over and over again.

Lexa looked away pretty quickly this time, she moved away from her spot against Clarke and got up to reach Luna; she didn't looked back at the other girl, she knew that if she did, if she met those magnetic blue eyes again she would have fall. There was obviously some kind of attraction between her and Clarke but she had someone, she had her stranger now, she didn't need anything else.

 There was obviously some kind of attraction between her and Clarke but she had someone, she had her stranger now, she didn't need anything else

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