Level 2:3

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Trigger warning! I'll te you when you can read again.
Muichiro's POV
I was walking out of school as I get slammed into a wall. I wince in pain as I look to see two boys, and a girl. "You really think you can just make friends?" "You are not allowed to talk to anybody!" "You worthless sh*t!" They start kicking me as I try to move away. "Trying to escape. Huh scaredy-cat!?" One of the boys grabs me, and throws me to a bush. They continue kicking me, and one was about to punch me in the face. I close my eyes waiting for the impact, which never came. "Hey stop that!" I open my eyes and see (Y/N) in front of me with a bruise forming in her cheek and a bit of blood in her mouth. (You can continue reading) "Don't protect this dumb f*ck." "Well, if he's a dumb f*ck. Then what are you?" "You little- I'll hurt everyone you care for." "He, who would that be?" "Your family and friends." "Friends pfft. I'd need to have friends for that to happen." "You still have your family." "Jokes on you my mom is dead." "Siblings and dad!" "Hehe, you can tell me when you find him. Cause when you do I'll help you hurt him. And without my dad... where would I get siblings from?" They just stared at her questioningly. "You know what. F*ck you we're leaving." Good to know, have a nice day. *sticks out tongue at them.* Anyways, are you okay Muichiro?" I just hum in response. "I'd take you to the nurse, but she left and locked the door."I hum again as I get closer and touch her cheek. "D-does it hurt?" "N-no it's fine. I should take care of you first. I thought I could take you to your house since it was bruises, but the bush cut your arms." I wanted to cry, but that'd be the second time. And I don't want to look weak. I was about to stand up, but she pulled me into a hug. "You know... crying doesn't make you weak. I think crying is the bravest thing for someone to do. Specially a boy, since they've always been told crying is for the weak... but crying is the only thing that can show that you're human. That you still feel pain, and that it doesn't matter how strong... we're all still alive. I can see that you're holding back tears. Just let them flow." I feel some tears slide down my cheek. "T-thanks." I wrap my arms around her, hugging her back. We stay like that for a while. "Muichiro." "Hm?" "I feel someone looking at me." I open my eyes and see someone which I couldn't really tell who it was since my eyes hurt from crying. After a bit they left. "They left already." "Okey. So, since my house is closer. We're going there." "Why?" "Cause I'm taking care of you!" "Why?" "Ummmm. Cause I want to!" "Why?" "Last question. Hmmmmmm so I can squeeze your cheeks." "Why do you keep squeezing my cheeks?" "I said last question!" She helps me stand up, and we walk to where I suppose is her house at.

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