Bonus level: Parents

677 29 7

Muichiro's POV
"Hey Muichiro." "Hm." "When are you gonna let mom and dad know about (Y/N)?" I shrug. "You should let them meet her." "Maybe." "They already know you have a girlfriend, so I think you should just tell them already." "They know because you told them." I pout as he chuckles. "Weren't you planning on telling them one day?" "Well yes I was planning on telling them, not you."


"Kitten." I say while we cuddled. "Yeah?" "Do you want to marry me?" I laugh as she flushes red. "W-w-well yeah. M-maybe someday." "I want you to meet my parents." "W-why?" "Well we mostly hang out at your house. You've been to mine like three times, and since my parents get back from work at 8:30 you've never met them." "Oh. Well, when are we going?" "Right now." I say as I stick my tongue out at her while I take running. "H-hey! Come back here Muichiro! I need to change! I can't just go on pajamas!" "Yes Muichiro! Go! She wants you to be there while she changes!" I feel a blush form on my cheeks. "Shut the hell up Jane!" I go back to her room covering my eyes. "Mui?" "Hm." "I'm not changing. I'm just thinking what to wear." I move my hand out of my face.

"Where the hell should I get a freaking dress from?!" "Kittennnn you don't have to wear a dress. You could go in you cat pajamas and you'll look as cute as always. Just wear your normal clothes." "But I'm meeting your parents. What if they think I shouldn't date you? What if they make us break up? What i-" I pull her to my chest hugging her. "Stop. If my parents don't like you and want us to stop dating. Then we'll just hang out here in your house or go out without them knowing. You know why? Because you're my beautiful girlfriend and I absolutely love you, and nothing can change that." "I love you too." She grabs some clothes and puts them on while I cover my eyes.

"There we go." "Okay then. Now I can run!" I take of running as she follows behind me trying to catch me. I suddenly hear a plaff. "You okay?" I say while looking at her. "Haha got you!" She laughs and I chuckle. "You got me." "Now you'll carry me!" "Eh? Why?!" "It's your punishment for running off without me." "You're mean." I pout. "Don't pout like that, you look so cute." She says while squeezing my cheeks. "Shut up and get on my back so we can go already." I carry her to my house.

"There we go." I say as I place her back in the floor. I unlock the door and open it. (Damn I just realized this has over 2k reads.) "We still have 15 minutes before they arrive, what do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" "How about we watch something?" "No, we won't finish it." "How about we play a board game?" "Nah, to long." "Then what do you want to do?" "Anything really." "How about we cook?" "Nah don't feel like it." "How about we cuddle?" "Nah these clothes aren't comfortable enough." "Then what do you want to do?" "Anything, I really don't mind. Whatever you pick." "I just gave you a bunch of options. What do you want to do?!" "Anything really, just not the things you're saying." "How about we sit on the couch." "And?" "And nothing. We just sit on the couch until my parents arrive." "Okay." We go and sit on the couch while we wait.

After some minutes we hear the door open. I grab (Y/N)'s hand and take (I think you meant drag.) her to the door. "Mom, dad. I want you to meet my girlfriend." I move her to my side since she was standing behind me. "This is (Y/N)." They both turn to look at her as she flinches feeling their gazes turn to her. "H-hello I'm Toko (Y/N)." She says while bowing. "Hi, I'm Mae. Muichiro's mother." "And I'm Liam, Muichiro's father." "P-pleasure meeting you both." "Pleasure meeting you too." "So, how did you guys meet?" "I crashed into him, but we properly met when I came to do a project with Yuichiro." "And how did you guys became a couple?" "I kind of accidentally confessed to her." "How do you accidentally confess to someone?!" "Well I just said it out of nowhere." "What did you say?" "That she was really childish, but that that was one of the reasons I like her." I say blushing. "Well that's embarrassing."


"It was nice meeting you (Y/N). Muichiro, please walk her home."

There we go!

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