The meeting as a country.

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A certain female figure woke up to the rising of the sun and the certain sound of her neighbour bickering. (Y/N) sigh and cover her ears with her pillows, trying to return back to sleep but as a person who needs to get up soon, she could not hold it in anymore and got up. Her hair is a mess and she is tired from the Sunday night beer party with Germany and Prussia. Lately she felt numb due to certain issues involving her country. She stood up and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
She picked her uniform and put them on before she silently make her way to the kitchen for breakfast and look at her watch. "It's 7 in the morning and those two are already at each other throats." she mumble as she drink her dose of coffee and eat some toast, while at it, she took the opportunity to complete her work. She texts her friend, Hungary to meet up before the meeting.

When she was done with breakfast she cleans up and wash the dishes. She got ready for work quickly and took her car key and ensure everything is close and that it is safe to assume the house would be alright while she is gone. The sudden ring from her mobile, give her a jolt as she receive a call from her boss. Once she answers it, she was greeted by a thick accent voice of her boss. "Good Morning, (Y/N). Today you will be attending the world meeting, I have a certain task for you to deliver to our friends. I need you to send them a party invitation for Christmas. Will you do it?" She replied in a soft cheery voice, "Why not? I could do the task while I talk with them about the economic problem." Her boss chuckle, "As cheery as ever, I shall send you the invitation cards later at the entrance of the meeting hall. Just look for Mavis, my secretary."(Y/N) nodded as if her boss would see her. "Certainly sir! Tell Mavis, I would be there in 30 minutes." And her boss hung up on her after they bid farewell. Her phone glowed to signal a text as she walk to the car. She settles down in the car and smile at Hungary's text to meet her.
After 30 minute of driving to the city council where the world meeting would be held, she walk towards the hall and was greeted by Hungary and they talk about what to do during the weekend. Mavis was patiently waiting at the front door of the building when she spotted, (Y/N) and quickly made her way towards her. "(Y/N)! I got you the invitation card.* She said and (Y/N) nodded. "Thank you Mavis, I owe you one." Mavis nodded and bid farewell and good luck to (Y/N). (Y/N) look at the card and gave one to Hungary, who was delighted by the invitation.
Both entered the meeting hall and make their way to their seat as (Y/N) was greeted by her close friends. Hungary took her seat beside Austria and (Y/N) are walking around handing over invitations to the countries. Russia gave out an aura but you bravely gave him the invitation. He smiled in return but your not sure about what to do with the reaction so you smiled nervously.
You were early for the meeting so you silently make your way to your seat to complete some more work through your laptop.

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