The Brothers

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(Y/N) and Arthur both walk from the forest behind the mansion towards the back door when the brothers of both countries separate them and took them in different directions, blindfolded. It was Gilbert's and Allistor's idea to make the two suffer a little from the lost of their partners, what's install for them was a medieval era theme tournament. Arthur was brought to dress up as an archer, and (Y/N) is dress as a royal princess. It was an amuse moment for the brothers as they get dress as different royal subject of two different country. The Germans and the British/Celts/Scots. Each have a camp and (Y/N) was told to sit and judge but she being the rebel she is join in the contest for her own hand and laughs when her brothers dreads her skills.

She is dressed in a medieval getup which consists of leather tights, a tunic and a sleeveless jacket that allows her freedom of movement, her hair is tied away from her face and flows down her back smoothly. Near her hip is her sword, in her hand her bow. Arthur was given the same item, only he is dressed in a knight garment with a chain-mail and silver. He represent his own country. The field held up the two countries in a friendly match. The eldest will be the judge and the point will be taken by the male youngest in the family.

(Y/n) stood in the field and look at Arthur. The two smirk and the friendly match begin between the family. One to win the woman heart, the second is to protect their little sister. It was spring and (Y/N) stood at the firing range with her bow and arrow, aiming at the target in front of her. Soft breath, focus eyes, she steadied herself and let the arrow fly gracefully off to the target hitting the centre of it. She then shoot four more and hitting the middle where her arrow is making everyone around her nervous as she is on a whole other level. Arthur, determine to take (Y/N) as his wife fire his arrow and hit the target in the middle, he shot four more and hit the middle the same as (Y/N). Dark aura surround him as he know (Y/N) is not going to make this easy. (Y/n) and Arthur held a tied in the competition and let their representative shoot to gain more points. Gilbert calmly shoot his arrows at the target and hit the middle but one of his arrow miss the middle and hit the side; this cause him to throw a short tantrum. Allistor look at the target and aim silently shooting all four arrows at once, some miss the target some hit the middle; then he took a long drag out of his cigarettes and let out smoke. Seamus, take his turn and hit the target with ease and smirks. Elizabeta, shoots one by one taking her time and get a few point although she miss a few. In the end, Arthur have a higher point at the firing range. (Y/n) nods at Arthur as the next event come up and Sword Fighting is up. (Y/N), Elizabeta, and Gilbert will be competing. While Arthur, Allistor and Seamus will represent their group. (Y/n) fights calmly with her opponent, Allistor who seems a tad drunk and wins. Arthur and Gilbert fought and with Gilbert being cocky during the competition and causing Arthur to rage, Arthur won. Elizabeta and Seamus fought but Seamus draw back in fear cause Elizabeta pull her all and she looks like a demon thus scarring the man and made Elizabeta won, the Hungarian smirk knowingly. Then the rest of the competition are done by the rest of the family members while the six of those who competed in the main competition rest. It goes on with vigour and stupendous sportsmanship from the two family.

At the end of the day, (Y/N) and Arthur are tied in everything. The two now are left alone at the banquet the settle the dispute of a tied score. (Y/n) looks elegant in her dark green dress, covered in gold and her hair done to accentuate her face. Arthur sitting beside her in a rather handsome attire which makes his eyes glisten and his smile radiates. The two look like a perfect couple sitting next to each other discussing on how to settle the score.

"I suggest we just have to say we settle it once we get married. Cause we would be a tie in everything except for cooking." Arthur say and (Y/n) laughs which makes Arthur blushes. "I know I can't cook well." Arthur say and (Y/N) nods.

"I would say that but your British delicacies are quite exceptional and I love them. On another footnote, the rest of your food that you tried to cook would either set itself on fire or could cause major sickness." She say softly and Arthur laugh sheepishly while rubbing behind his neck guilty. "On a rather light view, you prepare the most amazing tea and I respect that." Arthur now look down and blushes.

Everyone around them seems to be drinking and dancing and having fun, however the two are lost in each others world and talk about matters that involve from serious business to silly little thing that invokes the flame of the heart. Both eyes glisten with love and excitement as they look at each other. Sometimes, the two would subtly held each other hand and the other would steal glances at the one that is looking ahead. Ever so often, Gilbert or Allistor would come by and tease the two love birds at their seat. Arthur would blush redder than usual and (Y/N) would bury her face in her palms out of embarrassment. Still, the night is young and the couple took it out on the dance floor and begin to dance in sync together while they have talks on what to do and where to go. Some time after, the two went out for fresh air with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. (Y/N) leads the way to the hidden rose garden she have planted decades before she meet Arthur. The smell of roses filled the air as she open the door to the garden, a medium size Italian marble fountain stood in the middle, it represents two lovers. At one corner was a gazebo, roses grows around it like vines as it was cultivated from a young age to grow in that fashion. Moonlight filled and give life to the beautiful garden. (Y/n) took a seat at the fountain after she closes the door to the garden and touch the water, to which it ripple and glow. Soft tiny flickering lights filled the space and she took the bottle of wine and pop it open while Arthur stares around in pure awe and amazement. Arthur only return back to reality when (Y/n) offers him a glass of wine while she held hers.

"Thank you, this is beyond beautiful. This garden is very ethereal." He says softly as he look at the beautiful woman before him, "Y/N..." he say softly with endearment attached to it, causing the female to blush and look away because she saw how perfect Arthur was and she felt her heart beat as fast as possible just as how Arthur's is beating right at that moment. "Arthur.." (Y/N) say softly, her voice lace with love as she looks back up at him and found hims beside her already holding on to her. Their face inches apart, lips gasping to touch each other, breaths hitched as their heart beats in sync with each other, eyes staring at each other half open as Arthur makes the first move and lean in with (Y/n) follows suit and the two share a very long and loving kiss, filled with gentleness and passion. With the need for breathing the two pull backs and pants softly as they look at what position they are in. "This is really suggestive.." (Y/n) say after a while since Arthur is on top of her and her skirt is ride up her tights. Arthur blushes and nods, his hair a mess, his tunic loose and he gets off (Y/n) and help her up. The two take a swing at their wine that were left on the fountain seat during the heated kiss. "We should do that again.." (Y/n) mumble shyly while Arthur blushes a deep red. (Y/n) wave her hand and the gazebo turns into a bedroom and she walks into it and close the curtains saying, "I'm going to change into something comfortable, do not come in or look." she quickly put on sweatpants and a t shirt on then her hoodie to keep warm. She open the curtains and hands Arthur his pajamas. "Here, go change.. we can stay here for the night since I'm too lazy to walk back..and I'm kind of tipsy." She say.

" back in a bit." Arthur say as he went to change and (Y/n) walks around the patio to look at the garden. When Arthur came back he looks at (Y/n) smiling softly while basking in the moonlight. He slowly approached her and hugs her from behind. "Love.." He say softly as he rest his head on her shoulder and rock them gently. (Y/n) quietly pats Arthur head and Arthur close his eyes then he made the decision and carries (Y/n) in bridal style and cuddle her in bed till the two fall asleep under the thick covers of the blanket.

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