Slumber Party with the Bro's

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Author-chan, was making coffee in the kitchen in her solid state and chuckle. Sebastian just stare at the girl, who makes coffee and he tap her shoulder carefully. She turn around surprise by the tapping on her shoulder and squeal a little, "Sebastian?!" She said still stun and Sebastian tilts his head, "Author-chan, how did you enter?" Author-chan laugh nervously and point to the secret door to the next apartment. "I live nearby... and I'm always here to make-sure read-chan gets her coffee done on the weekend cause we both know that besties take care of each other.


The weekend arrive with you being the grumpy cat you were walkout your room in your pajamas. (*laugh* you have to admit grumpy cat rules) You look at the scene playing about in your kitchen with a surprise look and Author-chan look at you nervously. "Gerasu-chan! Your here?!" " make coffee..." "Sebastian, you know her?" "Who doesn't? She use to be in here alone writing." Sebastian points to the secret door in the wall. Reader-chan looks at the direction and was stun as she walk towards it to see a room with large bulky papers of wisdom and papers of the imagination, complied and kept perfectly in shelf after shelf in the room. Her eyes lit up upon the sighting of a piano. "A piano?!" "Yea, I don't play tho...I just like to try on some weird music from the heart." Author-chan laughs and fidgets nervously as she walks towards the room. Author-chan is in her comfortable casual t-shirt and shorts as she enter her room.

Ahead is a young man about the age of 27, focusing on his computer, digital drawing and gaming is drawing in all his focus. Reader-chan looks at Author-chan, "Is that 'The One'?" Reader-chan smirks and Author-chan laugh and nodded happily. We'll, get back to the story line all you folks, this is just to give you the giggles and also preferably the starting of the party..

Back to the story:

Reader-chan and Sebastian got ready with all the things and also Gilbert woke up really late, it was around the middle of noon that he and his friends put up the decorations and set up the gaming system. Food and beverages are laid out properly on the coffee table and also the kitchen is fill up with dinner made by Reader-chan and Sebastian for the party. As times flies by, guest come by, Ludwig, Kiku and Feliciano came by early with kegs of beer. Arthur came by with Alfred tugging behind him since he heard about the slumber party and is pleading if he could join in the fun with his brother. Matthew came by with his maple syrup and greeted Reader-chan happily. Matthias and his brothers came by, where Tino and Berwald held hot chocolates and place it on the kitchen counter when Reader-chan saw it; Lukas is tormenting Emil to call him 'Big Brother'.

After a while Lovino came by with some fresh wine and greeted Reader-chan happily until Antonio came by to give him a hug. Romano curse and walks to the kitchen to check out the freshly baked pizza. Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria and Hungary came by.

The party goes on with eating and gaming and also chatting away the night. Reader-chan was busy handling things with a drunk British man when Russia came by with his sisters and the Baltic States. Reader-chan laugh when she saw Russia took out his metal stick of pain, "Ivan, we don't need that here, I just need you to help me to make-sure no one breaks anything or do stupid things in the apartment while I get Arthur to bed in the guest room." She said with a smile but behind the smile is a deathly aura that even Russia would have to comply.

Reader-chan carries the Brit effortlessly to the guest room. But what she doesn't expect to have next, caught her off-guard. While being drunk Arthur mumble silently, "(R/N)...~~ I love you, your eyes they shine so brightly in the sun, your hair as soft as it can be, the curve of your waist fits my hand perfectly and I have a feeling your can cook better than me~" Arthur is stroking Reader-chan's head as he mumble drunkly. "I don't regret being with you through all this years, my love. All those letters I wrote and gifts I send are from me.." He mumbles and snooze off. You place him silently on the bed in the guest room and tuck him in, kissing his forehead good night. "Sleep well, Arthur. I love you too somehow.." You mumble silently and turn around to turn off the light and also close the door behind you as you feel your heart beats fast. "Ah he won't remember about it tomorrow." you say again. You walk back to the party and enjoy the whole night drinking and gaming with your brothers and also eating the pizza you made moderately. Lukas would talk to you about magic and sometimes you talk with the fairies and goblins that came by to the party.

Gilbert was the first to set up the beer pong table and this hits off with everyone fighting to win and at last by the end of the day everyone was sprawled on the floor too drunk to get up except for Grace, Ludwig, and Sebastian who cleans the mess and make-sure everyone sleep well and have a blanket. By 7 am, the three prepare a huge breakfast feast for everyone. Arthur was the first to get up and he walk into the kitchen rubbing his eyes unaware that he is in his boxers; as after Reader-chan left, he strip himself due to the heat and just got under the covers in his boxers. Reader-chan held in her laughter at the sight and she give out a loud whistle that kinda startled Arthur, "Damn, sexy, I didn't know you would walk in on me and the boys cooking in your boxers." She say teasingly. Arthur, turning beet red look down and then quickly cover himself with a boxer, "You didn't see anything." "Oh no, I can't erase that sight from my mind forever..~ " She said teasingly and laugh as Arthur put the pillow that he grab out of instinct away and stalk towards reader-chan and pull her in for a kiss in front of Ludwig and Sebastian. Once he let go, he stare into your eyes seriously and say "Fine, then your mine, forever. Ludwig and Sebastian would be the witness." Reader-chan chuckle and smile, "Oh, I have been waiting for you to confess properly, you should try again, you just had a hung over." Arthur chuckle, and took a sit to eat breakfast, "Then I'll oblige and will ask again when I get the preparations done." "You said you love me last night before you ended up snoozing on my back." "So it was you who carry me." "Yep, you should be thankful I look after you well." "Wife material." Ludwig say as he glare at Arthur. Arthur nods and eats his food. "Definitely, I have been trying to woo her since we first met." Ludwig nods and smile, "She told me about it. She seems to enjoy it.." "I'll take it slow and steady, thank you very much." Reader-chan say as she laugh happily. Others soon come to join the breakfast and eat happily while chatting about what happen last night and some of them ended up with markers on their face.

However everything went well and the nations went back to their home except for Arthur, Ludwig and Gilbert; who stay back to help clean the house properly.


Have a cup of tea with your cinnamon rolls.

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