Christmas Party

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Finally, the day is here, a Christmas party held by my country. I pick up my formal ball gown and put it on and quietly put on some make up. Sebastian, he manages to slip away and make himself presentable for the party as my security. I walk down the hallway to where Sebastian is waiting for me. "I'm done!" I say and Sebastian held out his hand. "Shall we?" He says and I took his hand. "Let us do this!" I say a little excited. Throughout the ride, Sebastian and I were talking about Christmas and Lunch and the gifts we have exchange after mass.

Arriving at the Palace, where the ball gown party is, I got off the car and walk with Sebastian into the ballroom to find the Prime Minister and Mavis. Mavis was standing near the stage where the Prime Minister is talking with the King and Queen of the country. "Mavis! Merry Christmas~" I say as I hand her a small present box of jewellery. She laughs and shakes her head, "You shouldn't have Y/N, your too kind." And I chuckle. "It's for my best friend!" I say. And I turn to face the King and Queen and bow and then to the Prime Minister a smile. "Merry Christmas, to you; Your Majesty. And to you too, Mr. Jukovic." I hand them presents and smile. "Thank you, Y/N" Queen Sarah say and she opens it and smile. A small shiny pearl bracelet with silver chain and landmarks of the country sits in the box. "Oh my, Y/N this is very thoughtful of you. It's beautiful, thank you!" She says excitedly as she puts it on and hands the box over to the butler beside her. The King opens his and his eyes widens in surprise. "Y/N, this is...this is an archive of the history of the kingdom." I laugh, "I compile it myself and make a copy for you." He flips through the pages gratefully and smile. "Father." He mumbles as he looks at his family picture. "I shall continue to do my best to rule the kingdom and thank you Y/N for this memento." "You're welcome, I hope you would love the part where it is about your family history." I say as I got bear hugs from the Prince and Princess of the country. "Y/N/N!!~~~" The two say and I chuckle as I pat their heads. "I think the two of you have received my gifts this morning. "Yea, a horse! Which is awesome, now we can learn horseback riding and sword fighting." I laugh as their parents shakes their head. "Be sure to be responsible and take care of the horse. They need love and kindness." I say as I hug the two kids back. I then spend my time socializing with the other countries, and wishing them a Merry Christmas.

After a while of talking I was whisked away by Arthur. Who introduce himself to the King, Queen and Prime Minister as England. He took me to the dance floor and slowly but gently took my hand and place them in the proper place. "I have been waiting for this." He whispers in my ear as he gently dances with me to the Waltz. "hmm, you're being romantic today." I whisper back. "Well, I was like this back in the pirate age." He whispers again. I softly chuckle. "And you were really cocky." "And really cocky, still romantic." "mmhmm, romantic and all the other girls would be all over you." "I still only have eyes for you, my love." "Is that a confession, Arthur? Or are you drunk talking again?" "Drunk in love with the most beautiful woman in the world." "Nah, you're faking it Arthur." I say as I turn flustered when he dips me down and pull me back up slowly, a special kind of sensation dawn over the both of us as it attracts us both closer. Our eyes met and our lips inches apart. What happen next was beyond my expectation. A soft gentle feeling on my lips and eyes close. Kiss by someone who loves me on the dance floor and the only thing that broke us apart was to breathe for air and the sound of people clapping their hands and hollering, cheering for us. I laugh as I look back at Arthur's flustered face. The way someone smiles at the person they love the most and it shows affection and admiration flows into his expression once he laid eyes upon me. "I love you, Y/N. A lot." He says and I nod. "I do to. I love you Arthur." And with that another kiss, this time a certain French shouted "Take her back to your room Black Sheep of Europe" and Arthur loses it for a while but I held him back tightly in a hug while laughing. I bend slightly beside his ear and whisper, "You should try that now." " I might as well." he say as he whisk me up with a big wide smile.

Arthur smile and carried me bridal style out of the ballroom and we bid everyone goodnight since it was nearly midnight. What happened that night did bring me and Arthur closer as we spend the night in our pajamas, sitting in front of the fireplace drinking hot chocolate and talk about our past and funny experience. The snow slowly falls outside as the temperature drop, Arthur and I are wrapped up in a soft blanket and all cuddled up in the sofa before the fire place, wishing each other a blessed Christmas and seal it with a gentle but passionate kiss. He took out a small navy velvet box and place it in my hands when we break our kiss. My eyes trailed down to it, wide in surprised. "Please, (Y/N) make me the happiest man by being my wife. I have long to do this and have waited for this day. To propose to you properly and ask you to be mine." He say softly as he put both our mugs on a coffee table beside the sofa. I open it to reveal a beautiful golden ring with an emerald and peridots surrounding it. Inside the ring was an engraved of Love, Arthur K. I look up at Arthur's worried expression as he awaits my answer, and wipe my tears away. I was too happy to reply, I cry from my nerves, so I pulled him in and give him the longest most passionate kiss there is, and nod with a small 'yes' as I wipe away my tears. Arthur sigh in relief and pull me close and rub circle around my back to comfort me.

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