Butler-loid and the Master

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Sebastian P.O.V:

I was awoken by the sound of a cat, instead what stood before me, surprised me. It was a girl with soft (H/C) and (E/C) eyes glistening with excitement. She wore cat ears headband and pose like a cat before me. Blushing deep inside, I took a deep breath and compose myself as I say, "Sebastian, at your service." She looks at the me and smiles as she introduce herself as, "(Y/N)" she look at the me, observing my clothing and thinking. The little pup stood beside her and look at me and started to bark. "Owh, and Munchkin!" (Y/N) bends down and pats the little pup, I nods and start cleaning the kitchen. (Y/N) looks at me and said softly, I quietly stop and look at her. "You can clean after dinner but for today, please make yourself at home and get use to your surroundings." Giving her a nod, she dragged me around and show me to my room. Her apartment has, four bedroom, an office/study, kitchen, laundry room, a living room. After a while of being introduce and instructed with nearly everything, I was left alone to deal with my room as she walks back to her work. She looks like a good master, I quietly went to make a list of the things that are needed to be restocked right away.

(Y/N) looks serious as she busies herself with her work and calmly perform calculations and also a report for a budget. I settle myself down as the little puppy, whom was introduced to me as, 'Munchkin' sits down on the puppy bed to rest. (Y/N) look over at me, "Sebastian, come here." She says clearly as she looks back at her work. I stood before her, but she gesture to the chair opposite her. "We are going out to shop tomorrow, you will need clothing and also your daily necessity." Her voice was smooth and intrigue with emotions as she looks back at me. She smiles and it slowly faded when I did not move and inched. I was really stunt at her words. "Hello? Sebastian-chan?~" She waves her hand before me and pulls me back into reality. "Can we get a cat?" I asked still too shock. She looks taken a back but she nodded with a big smile. "Then the pet store is an option. We can adopt one." I nod and she went back to typing something in her laptop. "Well then, let's get to bed, be awake by 8am." She say as she save her laptop and shut her computer down. "Good Night Sebastian~" She say as she walks to her bedroom. I nods as I too took my leave to my bedroom.

~Next day~

I woke up the next day and get ready for the outing. I heard (Y/N) making coffee in the kitchen and manage to put my list of needed groceries in my pocket and check my butler watch. "Good Morning!~" (Y/N) said as she sips her coffee. "Good Morning, Madam." (Y/N) stops drinking and looks at me. "Please call me, (Y/N) and do help yourself with some coffee." She say as she took a seat at the kitchen counter. I pour myself some coffee and took a sip. I look at her in surprise. "This is delicious." I say and she chuckle softly. "Special brew Sebastian, I know you need to be train in cooking." She say and I nodded. "But I also know you were already program up to par with the standard." She said again and I smile as I took a seat across from her. "But I need to know what is your sense of taste and how do you want your food to be cooked." was what I said and she chuckle softly. I smile, "I'l cook for you today." I said. "I just need the ingredients." She smiles as she took a sip of her coffee and say, "Well that is why we are going out today. I also think, you need some normal clothes to blend in. So I hope you are up for it." I took note of what she said mentally and prepared myself.

Y/N is much more different form my master, although Ciel is quite the tough master for how he wants his food to e in the morning to the work and task he assign to me, Y/N is much more laid back. She treats me more of like a friend, I believe she is in need of someone to talk to in general.

~The shopping mall after the morning grocery shopping~

"Sebastian! Look a cat t-shirt!" Y/N squeal as she grab the shirt. I was surprise by her outburst, when I know she have a dog. However, I complied and followed her direction and look at the shirt and completely fall for it. "That is brilliant! Can I get this?" I say as I try to contain my excitement. She nodded as she got the right size for me. Reminds me, I have a few suits and ties and a few shirts for various occasions and shoes. Lastly, the watch shop. As we entered, we were greeted by a young lady at the counter of the place where the watches are placed. Y/N smile and greeted back politely as she take a look at the watches and talk with the sales lady. She then took my arm by surprise and observe it before picking a fine and eloquent design watch made by the Swiss. "Try it on." Y/N said as she hands me the watch. I do as she says and look at it. "It fits perfectly." I say and she claps her hands and pays for it.

As we walk out the store with the things we bought, it occurred to me that Y/N seems to be thinking. After a long silence, she speaks up, "Sebastian, I need to send you to driving school. If you wouldn't mind it. You need a license if you want to drive around on your own to do the house errands." She says. "Well, if you would like me to. Then I wouldn't mind it." was all I could say as I turn speechless for a moment.

~Back home~

I am wearing a t-shirt? I have never thought of wearing one but it is super comfortable and flexible, along with this long pants. I'm also surprise when she took the liberty to check out my rear end, just to get the right size of boxer for me. Y/N has out done herself. I find it attractive but she is my master. I snapped back into reality when Y/N stood before me with a spatula. "Sebastian, are you there?" She ask as she shakes me. "I'm here, what's going on?" I inquire, she sigh as she pointed to the pot. "Your suppose to cook, I'm hungry." She say bluntly, heh not far from Ciel. I nodded and quickly cook what I wanted to cook.

That night, dinner was serve with a special cook of Sebastian manual recipe. A balance diet for the mistress was what he was thinking. Y/N was too hungry to judge that she just start eating and finish the entire thing within minutes. She only was able to put two thumbs up for my cooking. And then she drinks her juice. I could only smile at her. I was thinking she needs to fix her manner but then this is fine for me.

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