An Invitation to the British Tea Party

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Third person P.O.V~

A letter of invitation arrive at the Kirkland Residence early in the summer morning. The couple were enjoying their time cooking breakfast when the bell indicating the mail ring in the hallway. Arthur, softly laugh as he carries (Y/N) on his shoulder cause she just dump flour on his head, walks towards the front door for mail. He held her securely while she whine and laugh a little nervously at what he is going to do. Arthur took the letter of invitation and put (Y/N) down, to open the envelope and read it.

*Letter of Invitation

Dear Mr. Kirkland, you and your residence are invited for the Queen of England Royal Tea Party. We especially invited you as a friend of the royal family. The theme would be formal and summer.

Date: 4/8/2017

Time: 10am - 4pm

Yours Sincerely,

The Queen of England.

Arthur look at (Y/N) and smirk, "We have ourselves a date on the 4th of August to the Royal Tea Party." (Y/N) look at him quizzically. "The what? Is this a thing here?" she ask timidly as Arthur nods. "Yes, and I have a specific order that we have to wear something formal and summer. Anyhow, you and I have some business to take care of...haven't we?" Arthur say darkly as he corners (Y/N) to the wall and smirk. (Y/N) shivers a little under his gaze and broke out in a nervous smile. "Perhaps we can do this another time? Cause I don't have anything to wear for the tea party?" But Arthur doesn't buy her tricks and swoop her up his shoulder again like the pirate he once was. "Tsk tsk tsk, (Y/N) I will take you shopping after punishing you for dumping flour on my head, in the bedroom." He laughs softly as (Y/N) mumble softly, "Oh dear." Her face turns up red in embarrassment as she knew what will happen.

Arthur reach the his bedroom and walks in, locking the door behind him and he dump (Y/N) on the bed softly. He gets on top of her pinning her down by her wrist above her head. (Y/N) is panicking as she struggles to move, but being a little arouse by the act she cannot help but wanting to know more. Arthur who caught up to her, says softly; "Don't worry, I won't do that. I would only do it with your consent." He let her go and got off her. He took a towel and smirk, "At least that makes you scared a little. But please, don't waste flour by dumping it on my head...and a whole bag of it too..." He walks out the room leaving the door unlock as (Y/N) look at his back confused with what happen.

~Later on in the afternoon~ (Y/N) P.O.V~

It was afternoon and you were busy baking a cake in the kitchen. I wanted to make a surprise for Arthur by preparing a delicious dessert to go with his tea. As I measure the amount of ingredients I need meticulously and being the precise nation I am after growing with two very strict brothers , I come the conclusion of the measurement and have place the ingredients in the bowl to be mix with a mixer. My expression towards the baking experience seems to captivated my boyfriend as he snap a picture of me with his smartphone. He smile and continue to take the picture in silence and a short video while I ignore him completely because I need to get this baking right or the cake would be a disaster. Then he walks into the kitchen to make some more tea. I notice he was stalling behind me as he make his pot of tea. I chuckle softly and turn around to tackle him in a hug. "Arthur, I know what you did. Tell me was I more attractive when I was serious with my cooking?" Arthur who got hugged by me was startled and he smile softly as he calm down. "Yes, I took multiple pictures. It's going to be my screensaver background." He say as he put a pot of hot water into the teapot. I smile as I turn back and put the last item in as the mixer goes. I calmly pour the batter into a cake tray and let it set. The oven was preheated earlier. I place the cake tray filled with batter into the middle of the oven and close the oven door. Arthur has gone back to the backyard to continue his reading. I look out the window as I set the timer to 40 minutes. A smile still plastered to my face as I open the door and walk out towards Arthur on the back balcony and sit with beside him. I took a cookie and pour myself a drink as I sit out there looking at the beautiful garden. The trees were standing tall giving us both plenty of shade from the sun, roses grows and bloom beautifully, a small water fountain was set at the far end of the garden to bring out the bright flowers that grows around England. The green house stood timidly in the end of the garden to house all the fresh produce that Arthur planted.

Our gaze meet and I smile softly as he put his book away and I stare at him softly as he shift his gaze to place his cup back on its saucer. He looks back up at me and I saw the softness in his eyes, he slowly caressed my cheek and I lean in as he does it too. We both kissed for a while, it was intense and full of emotions, when we let go, I saw him blush slightly. I softly caressed his cheek and motion him to sit on the swing with me. He nodded and carries me to the swing and we cuddled there as he read his book to me.

"We should go out after the cake is done. I have a place to go with you. " He say softly and I chuckle. "Yes, we may go out later." I heard the timer ran out and I got up quickly and put a pair of oven gloves on and take the cake out. Arthur was beside me and he look at the perfect cake as I place it on the cake rack to cool it down. "Now, we can go out." I say as I take my gloves of and place it on the counter top beside the cake. The chocolate aroma fills the kitchen as we both prepare to head out. Arthur, usher me into the passenger seat in the front as he got into the driver seat. Minutes later, we arrive in front of a famous boutique. We both got out and Arthur lead me to the boutique as I stare at the dresses captivated by the beauty of each design. "I made a reservation for Mr. Arthur Kirkland and Miss (Y/N)" Arthur said to the receptionist. The receptionist nod and soon an employee came up towards us and escort us to a room. A famous designer soon walk in along with his assistant and our measurements are taken. Arthur specified what we needed to the designer and I was usher to the changing room. They gave me a soft dark green outfit.


I walked out after a while in the outfit and Arthur stare at me in admiration as my soft (h/c) falls on my shoulder and my eyes shine brightly with the outfit I wore. "That's the one." he say as he stood out in his formal wear too.


I stood there stunt at how handsome he look as the green complement his eyes. We both stare at each other until I say something, "We should probably pay for these and go home. I have dinner to prepare.." I say as I smile at him. He chuckle and nods. "Alright. You look stunning.' He say and I chuckle, "So are you, handsome." We both are now throwing banter as we change into our normal clothes and he pay for the outfits. We reach home and I put my stuff in my room before I change back into my lazy outfit of shorts and t shirt and start to cook dinner.

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