The pre-wedding jitters~

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It soon came down upon you that it has been 6 months since you were engaged and that it is not a dream to be here standing in front of the mirror with Eliza doing your hair for you. "There. Now you look stunning. (Y/n) I wish you the best of luck." She say as she and the other bridesmaid claps their hands and offer a toast to the ceremony for it to be a success. You were dress in a white modern Victorian wedding gown with a long veil running down till it reach your waist. You hair is keep up in a romantic updo with slight ornaments on to keep it in place. You smile softly at your friends, whom you pick out to be your bridesmaid. "Thank you, all of you." you say and stood up. "OMG, you know you are beautiful darling." to this you look at Feliks and laugh. "Awww, did I miss it?" Gilbert say as he appear at the door out of breath but then stood up straight at the beautiful sight he caught before him. "Damn...sis..." He mumble. "Aight, Gil, Your sister is hot~" (y/n) say playfully as she pose the way Gilbert would with her right foot on the chair and looking at Gilbert, Ludwig who was sitting at the corner laugh at her impersonation of Gilbert. "Never fails to make my younger brother to laugh." She smirk. Gilbert sweat drops. "(y/n), we need to leave for the cathedral?" Gilbert say and (y/n) nods as she walks towards Gilbert. "Right when you are, captain!~" She said happily. "Did she have some alcohol or did someone gave her too much candy?" Gilbert ask when (y/n) giggles. (Y/n) walks calmly toward the waiting car outside and got in the last ride, which was decorated with wedding floral themes, the rest of the other cars were her escorts. Sitting with her in the car is Ludwig and Gilbert, the only two family which are close to her. Her bridesmaid are in the car before her driven by Basch, beside him is his little sister; Lili.

(Y/N) smiles at her two brothers, "I think I need a bottle of water before the event." She say softly. "I'm excited!~" She say a little louder. "I wanna see Luddy and Ita-chan get married!~~." She says again and gone down into a giggle fit, causing the German to turn red and blush. The Prussian beside her laughs loudly and give a thumbs up, "You have my APPROVAL~" he said jokingly. "P-please s-top talking about it. I'm going to drive. And (Y/n) did you drink or did the candy got to you?" He say after he got rid of his blush. "Neither, I'm actually clean." She say with a spring in her voice as she twirl her hands in the air as gesture. "Gil can check me." She say and Gilbert does as told and checks her. After a while and with the apparatus beeping in clarification, Gilbert look at Ludwig then at her. "Ludwig, she is clean. All monitoring devices says so. I believe it's her nerve or psychologically." He concluded to which (y/n) nodded happily. Ludwig who is driving sigh and nodded quietly. "Turn on the radio and lets sing our hearts out before we reach the Cathedral." (Y/n) say excitedly. "She's probably ride, she needs to calm her nerves." Gilbert chime in as they begin with some songs and a little pop culture music.

~Arthur's part of the wedding brought to you by Alistair Kirkland boozes.~

Alistair watches his brother that morning getting up, eating breakfast and donning on his suit for the wedding. He smiles a little at his little brother who is getting married while the booze lover take multiple pictures in different angle under the request of (Y/n). He stood up properly after a while and help his little brother with the jacket. "You're looking quite handsome. I'm sure she will be ecstatic by now, that lass is one excited ball when she texted me for this arrangements." Alistair talk softly as he place a boutonnière made by Francis with roses. "Huh, that french toad actually made something decent. "Arthur mumble softly under his breath as he look at the soft muted flower on his jacket lapel. "I should thank him personally after this." He mumble again. "What time is it?~" Wales a.k.a Dylan burst in with Northern Ireland a.k.a Seamus and the two smirk in satisfaction. "The car is ready for departure. We need to be there before (y/n) party arrive." The two quickly patted Arthur back with a big smile on their face. "Congrats!~" A female stood at the doorway smiling. "You should all at least say 'hi' to your sister!~" She say playfully as she takes a picture of her brothers, Ireland a.k.a Grainne only to be engulf in a big hug from the brothers there. "Come now we need to go!" Peter emerges at the hallway excitedly. "I receive a text from Alfred that (Y/n) is on her way to the Cathedral." Peter said again and this got the U.K brothers in a hurry as they gather up the things they need. The Irish lady gently lead little Sealand to the cars waiting outside for the convoy. And they got in the car while Arthur receive text from Gilbert on (Y/n) condition and it made the British man smile all the more brighter.

And thus proceed the journey where the U.K Brothers begin to sing to turn over their nerve out as they make their way to the Cathedral for the wedding ceremony. Arthur's groomsmen involve his brothers, Alfred and Francis.

~back to me~

So and thus the convoy of the male and female party of the wedding proceed towards the awesome wedding mass which will then changes their whole life. A happy even and a very loving one indeed. What will happen then during the wedding? What do we expect for the special event at the end of the day where dinner is to be held after the wedding? Will there be a drunk drinking competition? It's possible with all the booze brought to you by the drunk Trio~ See you next time, on the next episode.

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