Sprites end of Summer party

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As you may know by now that Arthur is in touch with his magical side and today the two of you got ready for the event behind his house as his magical friends celebrate the starting of the Autumn season with the full moon in sight. Also it meant that your have to dress up properly and pack up before your flight in a few days. You heart ache a little as you know you would miss the Englishman more than your brother's cooking.

Arthur and you walk through the woods behind the house and finally came out into a huge clearing filled with magical creature laughing and having fun. The sight of it indicates a huge event for the magical community in the country. The tea lights illuminated the area with a warm yellow glow, fairies provide sparkles as they flew around. Tables of banquet food are prepared. You smiled as you recognised a soft blue light floating in the distance. The fairy smile and got back to you happily. "(Y/N)!! your here! I have a gift for you!" she say as you saw her sitting on the table before you. " I don't have any gift for you, Snow but friendship." (Y/N) say as Snow push a small box towards (Y/N). "Well it's a fairy gift and also I need to give you a gift of fairy knowledge and language, cause I know you love to study them." She said happily and as you open the gift, poof you are instantly engulf in knowledge of the fae's and fairies, their language are now a familiarity and you begin to speak with Snow in her language. Arthur came back with some food for the two of you as he was surround by a bunch of fairies fussing over him and now you are caught in the crowd to as they fuss over you and did your hair. When you look at Arthur, you laugh softly as he now is dressed in the traditional Fae clothing and his eyes gone wide as you are dress in the fairy traditional clothing. He raise his brow and you did the same before the both of you know and protest to what is happening, the fairies and fae's have actually prepare a wedding for the both of you and the other magical creatures there are sneaky enough to help.

"Guys, at least ask our permission." You say softly as you blush a little. Arthur is already mumbling, his tsundere side shows and you pinch his cheeks, making the already red blush on his face evident that the tip of his ears are red and warm to the touch. "Calm down Arthur. We can always get married when you're ready. But for now, I know you're not." you calmly let go of his cheek and turn to the fairy priest telling him that you would like the ceremony to go on when you are both ready to go down the aisle. For now you have to stay this way until Arthur ask permission from your brothers and family.

"(Y/N)" a voice say and there stood a tall he elf. "Felriel, how have you been?" you say as he walks towards you and stop, then kneel before you. "High Priestess Ghela sends me to you. She sends you her greetings." He say as he took out a letter for me and I read it. "Ah, thank you, Felriel. It says here you are sent to protect me from the dark elfs." Felriel nods and stood. "Yes, I am send here to be at your service." Arthur look at you, "(Y/N) the dark elf are not a small matter, they are evil." Arthur say and you nod. "It is not. As the ambassador, I, (Y/F/N), accept your service, Felriel. Now be sure to stay out of human line of sight." And so with that you now have an elf body guard.

Night draws to an end, Arthur and you teleport home, you went to bed right away while Felriel sleeps on the couch across of you. Arthur sleeps in his room tired to say anything. 

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