England's Place.

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I was busy with some writing and advancing my personal fanfiction of a drama when suddenly Arthur called in to ask if I would like to have tea with him. At first, I was surprise by how longing his voice is and then snap back to reality that he is still on the phone asking me out for tea. "Alright Arthur, where and when." I manage to choke out as I cover my mouth and is flustered. "Around 2.30pm at my place." Was his answer. Ah, then...the many years I have once been in that place was never, I wonder what is on his mind. "Very well Arthur, I'll see you by then." "I'll send a car to pick you up." How chivalrous of him. Oh jolly. My mind wonders of as I got more flustered. "Hello, Y/N. Are you still there?" I can hear the nervousness in his voice. "I-I'm very flustered Arthur, I don't know how to reply but yes, I'll wait for the driver. Thank you." My voice quivers a little with all the enthusiasm I can show.

Sebastian look at me as I hung up the phone and reluctantly face him. "Sebastian, I'll be out before 2.30pm for tea with Arthur Kirkland. I want you to take care of the house while I'm gone." Sebastian nods as he offer me some hot coffee. "Y/N, take it easy and calm down." Was all he said and I nod. Leaving Sebastian to do his job, I went to prepare myself mentally for the morning. I walk around the apartment with Munchkin following behind me. "Munchkin, what should I wear?" I ask the corgi sitting beside the bed as I raid my closet for something proper. "I guess it wouldn't matter since it's only tea time. Unless it's high tea then...ughhh?" I took out some sun dresses. I try them on until I put on a light blue sundress with floral pattern that reach below my knees. Ah, perfect. I put on some make-up and glam up a little just to tease Arthur. "I think this is perfect." I say as I finish and take one last look at myself in the mirror.

It was 2.00pm by then and I walk out my room and give Munchkin some treats before I proceed to look for Sebastian. "Sebastian~!" I say with a cheery voice. Sebastian pop his head up from the couch and look at me, with a surprise look and he turn fully to face me. His mouth opens agape as he stares in awe. "Beautiful." He says aloud and turn flustered. I shake my head and laugh softly. "Well, this is for a guy I have been with for ages. I just do not know when is he going to come around and ask me out personally. He almost did once but I guess the time is not relevant then." He nods, "Well then he would miss out if he does not do it soon." Sebastian said as he stood up to answer the intercom. He looks at me then say, "Your driver is here." I smile. "Wish me luck Sebastian and take care of yourself." I say as I took my handbag and walk out the door with the key to the front door. "GOOD LUCK Y/N! ~" Was all I can hear as I leave and I chuckle a little at the event. The driver was non-other than Arthur himself. I was surprise and so was he. We look at each other and stare for a while. Arthur was wearing a plaid shirt and a pair of jeans, he looks neat and smart. I'm still starring at his beautiful green eyes when he snaps back to earth and open the door beside the driver seat for me. I look at his action and quickly walk towards him and enter the car, taking a seat, and putting on my safety belt. He jogs towards the drivers' seat and quickly took a seat and then look back at me. "Y/N. You look stunning today." He says as he turn flustered, the tips of his ears turn red too. "Only for you." I say as I tease him. "The person who has always been there for me, through thick and thin." I say again as he starts to turn the engine on and drive down the road. "I believe I have a confession to make today." He says. "Your butler just told me to man up." He said again as he took a right turn at the end of the street. "I did not think he would do that." I say as I look forward feeling giddy. "Sebastian is a butler-loid. He is slowly learning. I should get him a kitten to care for. He looks lonely." I say and Arthur chuckle. "I think you should. Everyone have their favourite things in this world and mine is you." He suddenly say. "Arthur! ~" I say as I turn flustered. He look at me and shakes his head laughing. "I think I have already confess. I want you, need you and I can't sleep well thinking about you being far away without me. All those gifts during the pirate era was from me, love notes and what not are from me. Every Valentine's Day flower, chocolate and wine are from me." He say confessing, his pirate side surely got a hold of him as he drove past the many houses and now we are in the country side. "I never thought about that you would. I have this feeling it was from you but didn't dare to ask you." He smile and stayed silent. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To my place." He say as we arrive at a small cottage with a beautiful garden. He turn the car off and I took my seat belt off and get out of the car. I take a silent view of my surroundings, listening to the birds, the nature and looking at all the trees and breath the fresh air happily. I did not realize that Arthur was looking at me in awe, I was too busy occupying myself to feeling free with the wind and nature, my hair was blowing behind me with the soft breeze. "Arthur this is amazing." I say and he hums as he stood beside me doing the same thing. By the time I went back to reality, we were both holding hands. Arthur pull me towards the back of the cottage and show me the Tudor Rose Garden he have been managing during the weekends and also the fountain. Under a the shed of the big oak tree, was a table set for two. Tea was all set and I notice something magical of this place. Fairies are all around helping and little sprites flying around. I smile as they all wave at me and I wave back. Arthur usher me to take a seat by the table and then went to the back door of the cottage and prepare the tea and scones and cookies. I took a while to relax and talk with the fairies as they say that Arthur never brings a girl here. I laugh as I told them, he never told me about this place too and I have known him for ages. "Tea is ready." Arthur say as he came out with a tray of food and tea. I was giggling with the fairies and sprites. Arthur serve the tea and scones. He took a seat before me and take a sip on his tea. His green eyes truly captivating, I stare some more.

He looks back at me and we both ended up starring again. "Y/N your tea is getting cold." He say and I snapped back to reality. "Sorry about that." I mumble as I took a sip of the now warm tea. He just continue to look at me and relax as he drinks his tea and enjoy the sun.

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