The Approval

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It was about 7, when the two woke up from the sun shining right in their direction. Arthur buries his face in something soft and warm, hugging it close to him as if it would disappear anytime soon. (Y/n) shifts a little in her position to face somewhere where the light does not shine, she rubs her face silently in some soft hair. Both are enjoying their sleep. But when (Y/n) realize there is hair in front of her, she opens her eyes immediately and yawn. Arthur was there hugging her and burying his face near her chest. (Y/n) blushes but pats Arthur head softly and she felt the urge to hug him tightly and so she does so. Giving Arthur a tight squeeze and kissing his forehead. Arthur groans lazily, he open his eyes and look up at (Y/n) who is looking at him. "We should get up and get ready for the day. My brothers would be looking for me and yours would be hunting for you." She says jokingly. "I can just imagine that they would find us here." Arthur say and he reach forward to kiss (Y/n) forehead. "My dear..." He whispers. "your tempting me in bed..." his voice turn seductively as he wraps his arms around (Y/n) and kisses her cheeks and neck and inhale her sweet scent. "I would love to wake up to this everyday..."he mumble as he let her go. "Let's go change." He say softly as he help (Y/n) out of bed after skipping out of it himself. "I believe it is called irresistible, Arthur." (Y/n) smile as she reply to him.

He lead (Y/n) to the bathroom and went to shower first while (Y/n) stood near the dresser and pick out her clothing for the day and set Arthur's his on the bed. She summons her own maid to prepare breakfast for two and set it in the room. Before I could explain any further, they are still in the garden only the room can access to different dimension since she master magic to its full use and manage to connect the two venue. To explain further, she can change the setting to the way how her balcony will be located or summon her room at any location. Much like how you would picture yourself in another dimension but actually you are only in another part of the world.

Arthur came out of the shower while (Y/n) was looking out her window and check for the weather outside, being seated down on her calm sofa. She have receive a notification to be present before her brother's today. Before her are two set of breakfast and today's paper. Arthur look on the bed where his attire has been laid out for the day. He took a step forward towards (Y/n) and mess her hair with a soft smile. "Thank you. Now go and shower." He say as he went to get dress after grabbing a piece of toast and wolf it down. (Y/n) look up at him and blushes when she saw that he was only wearing a towel around his hips and to be honest it drove her crazy to see Arthur this way. She quickly got up before she could have another part of anime nosebleed in her head. Mind you, us girls have perverted thoughts too. Who does not have it when you see someone you love in a sexy mode. "I take it you like what you see?" Arthur say loudly as he wipe his hair. (Y/n) by now is closing the door behind her and smiles while she covers her mouth in an affirmation to reduce her smile. "Yes, I do. It was too hot and steamy for me. I need to cool down." She replied loudly and then let out a soft giggle. Outside the door Arthur was putting on his attire and blushes. "Silly woman." He mumble to himself as he button up his vest and adjust his belt. He then took out a hair dryer and blow dry his hair.

(Y/n) humming to herself as she took a refreshing shower under the warm water and washes her hair. She begin to do little dances as she hum and then sing softly in the shower. Before long, if your outside the bathroom you can hear her singing full out as if it was a musical in the bathroom, this causes Arthur to smile widely while he enjoy his breakfast. The tune that was brought out by (Y/n) was melodious and gentle. She was singing in elvish much to Arthur knowledge, about two lovers living through the troubles in time and then having a happy life in the end. When (Y/n) was done, she wrapped herself up in a towel and brushes her teeth. She snap her fingers and smile as she was dressed up in her casual attire of classic blue jeans, a dark blue t-shirt, a simple grey hoodie and a pair of red sneakers. She dried her hair with magic and style it up in a ponytail. Arthur knocks on the door and say, "The food is getting cold." while (Y/n) puts on some lip balm and smirks as she opens the door. "I take it, the singing took a little too long?" She say in suspicions when Arthur is looking at her in awe. "Much to my concern, the singing was magnificent. I thought I was left in an opera." He say with a smile. (Y/n) took a seat and grab her cup of tea and begin to down it down since it is now cold. She also grab a slice of toast and begin to put some strawberry jam on it and before long she begin to eat it down.

When the two are done, (Y/n) begin to give out the agenda of the day on the meeting with her brother's and Arthur told (Y/n) about the same thing and the two sigh softly. "Are they going to test us again?" She ask and Arthur shakes his head, "If that happens again, and we are to compete again...I would let you win." He say as they stood up and walk out the room hand in hand with each other.

Meanwhile at the dining area, the brothers of the two couple are having breakfast and Gilbert is practically having some beer and mead with Allistor and they get drunk early in the day. While Ludwig have to restrain the two from causing trouble to the rest of the family that are present there. Vash and his rifle ready to shoot whoever getting close to his little sister, Roderich prepared to play intense music as accompaniment and Elizabeta, her trusty frying pan. Dylan and Seamus calmly have tea however as they are used to having Allistor drunk and it is no worries for them if their elder brother do something ridiculous.

Arthur and (y/n) enter the dining area and stood at the door looking at the mess that was caused by the two drunkards and the rest of the family standing by to knock them out. (Y/n) sigh and silently mumble, " Two idiots...add another elder brother that likes to drink and you will have the three idiots." Arthur smiles at his fiance and lightly squeeze her hand. "My dearest, as long as it will always be lively around us, I would never ever have a dull moment." He say while a smile crave upon his face. (Y/n) look at Arthur and smile, "Count me in. Although we both know if you get drunk the whole world is going to turn upside down and I'm going to enjoy that." To this Arthur whisper to her. "When I'm drunk, I will be a pirate. I'll romance you through the night. I'm a weird drunk. Only when your around me." "I believe we can try that again on our wedding night." (Y/n) say and she pat his head and kiss the tip of his nose. "I love you." She say softly and Arthur nodded and kiss her forehead. "Let's hear what they are going to say to the wedding." He say as the two of them walk through the mess of broken bottles and spilled food and water. Gilbert was the one to cry out to the couple in his drunken state. "Baby sister help!!!~ they are tying me too hard to the chair.." He whine. Allistor is singing some old scottish tune and smirk when the couple come. "Bear the old brother a nephew will ya Artie!~ I'm jealous of how lucky you got. Take care of the lass or I will kill you personally." Allistor red drunk face stare intently at Arthur with a burning passion of fury. (Y/n) look at Allistor and then at Arthur who is unfazed by the tension in the air. "I think we are here to hear the results of whether we can go through this wedding or not." (Y/n) say and everyone nods and begin to mumble. "It's a yes from me! I can hang out with Allistor here!" Gilbert say and smiles. Allistor laugh and nodded, "Yes from me. I have a good eye and (Y/n) is worth it." Ludwig sigh and massage his temples, "If you hurt my sister, I will personally hunt you with all my dogs. A yes from me." "Well this sound threatening but I think I can understand." Arthur say softly. "It sounds like the American Idol to me." (Y/n) say as a few more vouched in a yes to the two. "We have that kind of program back in England too." He say. "I heard about it..but I couldn't recall it. Was it the british idol? or the UK Got Talent?" (Y/n) ask. "The later." Arthur say and she smile.

"Did we just got ignored?" Gilbert say loudly and the couple giggle. "We were talking about something to prepare for the wedding." (Y/n) say and smile as she look at Gilbert thinking. "I have a bad feeling your going to trash it during the evening reception and get really high. I want none of that to happen..but you can get drunk at the after party." I say and Gilbert smirk. Arthur smiles and tell them that the two of us are going out to the city for some change in environment. And with that the two of us left with a big smile etched on our face as we gain approval from our families. And so the journey begins...

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