German brothers

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So far your brother, Germany is asking you to meet up with him at the park. Let me phrase this, at 4 am in the morning for the morning jog. You just got of your bed groaning a little that sleep have left you due to the phone call you receive. Your eyes adjust to the darkness as you change into your sports clothing. You brought Munchkin with you for the job, so the both of you have a win-win benefit of exercise. Munchkin barks happily as you pack the stuff you need for the run and told Sebastian who is looking at you as he opens his bed room door, to keep the house save while your gone for the jog. "Yes, Grace. Take a hoodie with you just in case." "Oh, you learn modern English fast. Proud of you, Sebastian. Take care."

You walk out the apartment with a high enthusiasm to jog more laps today to keep up with Germany. Your other brother Prussia is there and you know Gilbert, a.k.a. Lord of Awesomeness want to beat both of you to it. "Heh, guess Gilbert and Gilbird will be there...if Ludwig drag them both. " You walk all the way to the park while warming up and doing some slow jog. Munchkin is beside you, through out the walk.

~At the Park~

You spotted the blonde male doing some warm up and you stood beside him. "Guten tag, Ludwig." you say as you put your backpack down and starts to stretch. The tall male look at you and nods in confirmation. "Guten tag, Y/N. We will be training soon. Gilbert is coming and Feliciano is just here with me earlier." "You lose him." I say as I look for the Italian. "Kiku is here doing a few stretches." I say again. Ludwig face-palm as Kiku wave at me. "Pasta for free~~!!" I shouted and out of nowhere, the Italian man came by and kiss my hand softly. "Bella, did you say free pasta? Oh and your pretty too. I haven't seen you around." I hold on to his hand and laugh. "I caught you, Feliciano. Oh, you have seen me around, since your a small child." Feliciano pull out a white flag and wave it around. " Ahh, I surrender, Germany, she's scary." Ludwig just shakes his head. "Your not gonna get out of this Feliciano, She is far worse than me. She even have a monarch still living in her kingdom."

"Sorry to scare you but you have a jog to attend or there will be no pasta or pasta sauce for you. I'll make that come true." Smirking as I stare deep into Feliciano eyes and giggles. "I'm aware. I'll jog." I laugh again at him and smack his shoulder playfully. "It's alright, Feli. We're worried people might trample all over you again." Feliciano look at me. " You care about me?" "Who doesn't, you are part of the family." I heard someone clear their throat. "And so any unawesome someone misses me?" I turn and saw Gilbert gloating.

I shrug and he comes towards me and hugs me. "Aww come on, Y/N/N. Please say you do, baby sister~" He fake cry and I smack him. "Gilbert, boy's don't cry unless it really truly hurt them." I say and I hug him. "I don't miss you tho. I still meet you from time to time at the arcade or the fair for some fun. I miss Ludwig cause he is always busy. At least you showed up for game day from time to time at my apartment with Antonio and Francis." I smile and Ludwig stood up and claps his hand.

"Alright! Everyone in position, we're going to start our jog now." we all get into position and start to jog around the park, it is now about 4.45 am. The sun is not yet up and me and Gilbert talk about games and movies that are coming up as we jog in pace with Ludwig beside us. I ask Ludwig to bring Kiku and Feli to my apartment this weekend for game night and ask Gilbert if Antonio could bring Lovino with him and Francis to bring Matthew. Everyone agrees with the plan and then we continue training throughout the morning. I laugh my ass off as I watch half of the group disperse and went to rest at our spot under the tree in the park. Ludwig, Gilbert and I are still up and running around. Heck, I don't even know where I get this much stamina but I guess from the times I spent with Gilbert and Ludwig training since we were kids help a lot.

After the morning training session, Ludwig brought us all to his home for breakfast and I got to eat my favourite German cuisine. Laughs, I bet those of you who read this know what it is. Wurst. Eggs. And some healthy bread. By the time I reach home with Gilbert, it is around 8.30 am. Also, half of the time there, Ludwig could not help but play with Munchkin for a while before he let you leave for your apartment.

~At your apartment~

"Y/N, is that a butler-loid. The one you order a few weeks ago before the meeting?" Gilbert say as we stood in front of the door to my apartment with Sebastian greeting us home. I nodded. "Yes, this is he. Sebastian." I say as I introduce them. "Sebastian, this is Gilbert. My brother. We have a game meet this weekend. So to prepare everything, I need you to make a list of the things needed." I say and Sebastian nodded. "Yes, Grace. When can we start." I smile as I walk into the apartment with Gilbert behind me. "Right now. Gilbert, help yourself around the apartment. My kitchen is off limits. And Munchkin will be following you around." I say as I walk into my office and write the things needed for the small gathering while discussing it with Sebastian for more ideas. "There will be at least 10 people but we will prepare meals enough for 12 just in case they want some more. Also it would be best to prepare everything in the living room and they might sleepover too." I say and Sebastian nodded. I'll give you the money to get the groceries on the list and a little extra for you to spend on something. Take the car, with you. My driver would help you with the list." Sebastian smiles. "I will do the best I can and find the things on the list." He say and I laugh. "Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, give me a call." I say as I hand him a mobile phone with my number on it. "I don't know how to use this." He say and I showed him how.

By the time Sebastian left, I went to take a shower and feel refreshed. I started singing to some songs on the radio and dance until I finish. I grab my t-shirt and wore a pair of shorts. Gilbert is watching the television with Munchkin and eating a tub of ice cream. "Gilbert, what are you watching?" "Urm, Discovery channel. Accident investigation and now it's 'How it's made'." I laugh as I join him. "Do you want to have pizza for lunch?" I ask and he nodded. "It would be awesome. Your going to make one?" "You caught me. I should get started." I went to the kitchen after a while and start on making the dough for the pizza. Then I prepare the ingredients and pre-heat the oven. I manage to make two pizza with different ingredients from the fridge.

Gilbert, set up the table when Sebastian came home with all the needed things for the party. "I got the things." Sebastian say and I look at him. "You can place it on the counter. Come join us for lunch. I made pizza." I say as I turn to face him with freshly made pizza, Sebastian smiles and nodded. "Sure. I'll place all the things on the counter first. I brought Dimitri with me to carry the things from the car. My driver wave from behind Sebastian with all the things. "Well, come join us." I say and place the pizza on the counter to be cut into size. Dimitri nodded and set the things at the designated place, then went to wash his hand and join Gilbert at the table for lunch. Sebastian help me serve pizza on the dining table after washing his hands. It was a lovely day.

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