When the Moon shines down on you

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A/N: This is to explain why he didn't dare to talk to you after what happen in the cabin and how he is still flustered by the time that he send gifts to you, as a secret admirer, even at sea.

~Arthur Kirkland POV~

I took a sip of tea from my mug and review my work, the study is filled with old books and documents. Mint Bunny have been wondering about in my documents from my pirate era and caught sight of the love letter I have. "Arthur, whose are these for?" I look at mint bunny and blush at the sight of love letters in a box. "Put t-them back!" I said as I try to cover my blush.

~Flashback to the first time he met you~

I was on board Y/N ship for the first time when I have surrounded her with my crew and pointed a sword down her neck. Her fierce E/C look up at me, "So, what do we have here?~ A woman as a captain?" I say as I took off her hat to reveal H/C, shining under the sun.

"I spit on your words Kirkland.." She say fiercely as I chuckle, "Not under my watch, girl~" I smirk as I stood up straight, sword still pointing at her throat. "What do I want from you?" I say as I suggestively look at her body and back at her, to watch her look back at me with more anger. I provoke her. "You wouldn't dare." She say as I got closer to her. "Boy's tie her up and set her in my cabin. I would like to have fun with the lass tonight!" I say as I let my crew tie her up while she struggles and scream and shout in protest and throw a tantrum.

"Capt'n e're lass, is set and ready for your night!" one of my crew said as I look at her shipmates fear. I smirk and walk to the cabin only to find she have broken free and regrettably, my tea was ruin. I found her sitting at my desk reading my journal. "If I may ever say, young lady! That is a private book." I say as I walk towards her and snatch my journal away. She looks up at me and giggles softly. And then she points to my right where Mint Bunny is. "Well, your little friend here told me about it." She say, her voice was soft to the ear. However I was surprise that she can see magical creatures too. "If I may so talk about this matter to you, please forgive my harassment earlier. I was in character." I say as politely as I could. She tilts her head. "Well, then; you have a lot to say for yourself, Kirkland." I am now confused. "How do you know my name?" I ask her and she shrug. "I ask Norway about it. Best friends with him. Although the Dane is quite noisy." She smiles. "And how did you turn into a pirate?" Well, that was an obvious question. She looks at me and silence falls as she took a deep breath. "To be honest, you have attacked one of the royal navy. We are out to capture pirates." She smiles.

"I might turn you into a pirate~" I say softly as I held her by the chin, my pirate behaviour overtook me. I grin at her as I look at her in the eye, "Your going to be my prisoner forever. And your ship will be serving me, sending goods all over the world and thus 50 percent of it would be mine." I say as she struggles out of my tight grip. She blinks when I let her go. "Kirkland, your going to regret this one day." She say silently. "I'm not, what is your name, girl?" She looks down and rub her chin. "Y/N, call me by my nickname, Y/N/N." I smile softly at her and took a seat beside her. I let my guard down. " Take the bed, Y/N, love. I'll be working till late." I say and she nodded as she took a piece of paper and starts to draw, while I calmly work on my tax invoice and profit margins, I was wondering why did she not panic or fear me. Then my curiosity turns up as I look at her, "Y/N, love, what did you do?" She look at me and her eyes went wide, "Arthur Kirkland, I think Lukas just bind us both to be partners for life." She then looks away, as I got up and walk towards her, as fast as lightning I grasp her shoulder, "How?!" I say panicking a little, "Look, I don't know how, but all I know if your calm, I'm calm too...feeling mutual and connected. Somehow, I noticed a certain excitement earlier, what were you thinking?" She say as she looks up at me and by then our eyes met and I flushed red, embarrassed. "I-I was thinking of how your look, beautiful." I let her go and she rubs her shoulder, the candle burn off and the two of us are standing there in the dark, only with the moon reflecting down on the both of us; it was awkward but it was a nice one. It was silent for a moment, from the way the moonlight reflected down on her, it makes my heart race and I silently look down a little before I feel her hand in mine. "I'm very much interested in what make you start this...being a pirate and all. Maybe I can help you out of it." She say and I hold onto her hand and pull her close to me. I smile softly at her, as her fiery eyes look up at me. "I'm very much intrigue by you too. Maybe you would like to become a pirate."

Over the years, our bond grew and now she is a pirate on her ship. Alongside her, was me; my crew mates teases me when she went away on duty. I believe the two of us could break the curse but my heart feels heavy when I think about that. However, the curse seems to weaken over the years and the two of us are still strong at being best friends. Till, one day; I decided to barge into her office and confess my love, but that did not happen and I silently send her gifts throughout the years.

~Present day~

I silently store the love letter into a box and put it back into the drawer, "I wonder if she still have the copies I sent her, in that era." Mint Bunny was busy munching on some cookies that I have bought. Thinking of her makes me want to call her and ask her out all of a sudden. But I am afraid that she might reject me. With a big sigh, I face plant myself into my desk of paper piles. Oh, calamity. "She is the most precious person, I have ever meet." I mumble. "If the lass is that precious then confess to her, before it is too late for ya, lad." A Scottish accent was heard from behind me and I jerk a little before I turn and face with my brother. "Alistair" "Artie" we both nod and a smile lit up on the Scot's man face. "You have been crushing on this lass forever. When are you going to confess?" I cringed, "I will do it slowly, now will you stop smoking in my study and leave me alone before I burn the house down with my cooking." I say in a monotone voice. "I like the lass, she is nice. Lassie, might love ya' too ya' know. I can see it in her eyes when you two were talking, the way you two look at each other tells me everything. You have to do it soon, before someone takes her away from ya' " He left the room with that statement in the air and it will be ringing in my ears till bed. "Before someone stole you away from me...I hope no one thinks of it..." I silently say as I place all my document in a single file and organize them in an orderly manner.

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