The darkness.

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(Y/C/N)- your country name

~In a dark forest somewhere in the (Y/C/N) in the midst of midnight:

The dark sky of (Y/C/N) forbidden forest glows as the moonlight illuminates the lake in the forest, revealing a dark figure clad in silver armour walking in the dark. His footsteps radiates death, his eyes cold as ice, posture of a royal clad in royal armour. He look around silently and takes a deep breath of the air. The elf around the woods are surely smart enough to hide from the sight and put up a protection spell to hide their village. The dark elf chuckle as he took out his sceptre and hit the ground once to unveil the hidden city of (Y/C/N), a portal to the modern realm of humans. "Foolish humans. Foolish country." He say as he steps into the portal and his image change into a modern day man in a polished suit and tie, on the other side of the portal, his minions await for his coming and have prepared a car to go in disguise. The dark elves bow in respect to their leader. "Azaroth, take me to where we are staying. The stench of this beings are repulsive." He sneer and the dark elf clad in dark blue suit bows. "Yes, your royal highness Prince Alre. Please follow me." Azaroth replied and lead the taller male to the car and opens the door. In it a female sits quietly, her bored expression bored into Prince Alre. "Princess Meira, sister." He say as she look at him and then look back up. "Brother, I see you found your way. And the mission?" She say, her voice sharp and blunt. Her slender finger move across the side of the door and she turn to fully face her brother that have taken his seat beside her. Her red hair flow beautifully down her shoulder as her human attire fits her curves and make her immortally beautiful. Prince Alre look at her with a sinister smile," We have to kill that Light elf human ambassador and set war upon the human realm. The car moves and Azaroth sits beside the driver and instruct for them to return home for the night.

~Back in London about 3 hours behind (Y/C/N):

Arthur helps you pack your stuff in your luggage, this is the day you return home. "Arthur, the flight is tomorrow and I am afraid of being away from you...What I mean is, I will miss you dearly. Do come for a visit soon." She say as she pack all the things that she had in another luggage that she bought earlier today, as the old one is filled with souvenirs. Arthur nods and smiles at you sadly, but then he got up and reach to hug you before your start to tear up at the thought. His warm embrace makes you tear up and hug him back, spilling silent tears onto his cream shirt, he rest his head on yours as he swing the two of you left to right slowly, and rub your back in attempt to calm you down. The two of you broke apart and look into each other eyes, before Arthur carries you bridal style to his room and settle you on his bed. He climbs up above you and kisses you passionately as if you were going to die, his gentle side is showing as the passionate kiss turns into a make out session with your hands around him and your kissing him with the same mutual feeling. The lights are all turn off with a snap of his finger as he continues to shower you with love throughout the night, resulting in a really deep sleep and you being the big spoon, hugging him from behind while you sleep.

~London, morning, London Heathrow Airport:

You and Arthur exchange a loving kiss before you left for your terminal. You have already check in your luggage and had breakfast with him at one of the airport lounge. His eyes look at you longingly as you walk away saying goodbye. Your eyes watered a little as it was hard for both you and him to part ways. Because the two of you cried before you could enter the terminal. And him giving you a gift of a picture frame with the picture of the two of you kissing during your picnic together at Hampstead Heath. You smile gently as you place it in your backpack and then went through security check. Your eyes glisten a little as you walk past everything and is lead to the private jet waiting for you outside. You were escort to your plane outside, your aviator glasses on to protect you from the bright morning sun glares. You walk into the jet and greet the pilot and his assistant then smile as you take a seat as the captain starts the plane and final checks are done. This plane ride was given to you specially by Arthur, so he can make sure you arrive safely. You put on your safety belt and wait for take off. The elf sitting beside you, invisible to the human sight. The stewardess came by and took your order after the plane took off safely. The last message you send to him was, 'I'll see you on skype soon.' and you fall asleep after a while in the plane. The night before have given you eye bags from the lack of sleep.

You woke up during the announcement that the plane is landing. You adjust your aviators and watch the plane descend in (Y//N) international airport. You rub your eyes a little and yawn. The elf unfazed by your action. After the while of international checks and also taking your luggage, you found Gilbert and Ludwig waiting for you at the arrivals gate. You smile softly as your brothers called out for you among the crowds. You walk towards them and got a bear hug from Gilbert causing the both of you to be on the ground while Ludwig just stood there taking pictures of the two of you then pull the two of you away. You were talking to them and telling them of your experience, but then you got to the part at the airport and you broke down remembering it, making Gilbert and Ludwig panic. "I really do love him, brothers." you mumble as you wipe your tears away, causing the brothers to develop a plan of inviting him over to be interrogated for a marriage proposal.

"(Y/N), we will be here again tomorrow to make sure you're alright." Ludwig say as he drop you off at your apartment and you nodded. "See you again Bruder." you say smiling sadly as you walk to your apartment elevator. You reach the front door and unlock it to reveal Sebastian making a chocolate fudge cake. "Hello, I'm home. " You say softly. "Oh and we have a guest. " You say pointing to Felriel. He bows in greetings to the people in the house, revealing himself from his camouflage spell. Sebastian stares at the elf then nodded. "Welcome home master and friend. Please make yourself at home, dinner will be ready soon." He say and you nodded and show Felriel his room. "You will be staying in this room here." You say pointing to the room opposite of Sebastian, or as Sebastian say, the green room.

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