Pirate Validity

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Sebastian and (Y/N) were debating on what to cook all the while Sebastian took note of (Y/N) favourite food, desserts, the way she likes her coffee and also how she likes her tea. To be honest, (Y/N) is fine with how her food was made as long as it is not burn to ashes. Her eyes darted behind her where Sebastian suddenly took out a cutlass from the drawer, with a gold handle and the design of the cutlass indicated that it was once a royalty owned. (Y/N) took a full turn to face the butler-loid, "Sebastian?" Sebastian look up at her and show her, his findings while he was cleaning the apartment. "I found this and a chest earlier while I was cleaning and I wonder if it was real." He say, his eyes gleaming with interest. "Sebastian, y-you should put that back." She said as she look back at her work, however she could not come to do a single work. She took a deep breath in and call for Sebastian and motion for him to sit down opposite her by the dinner table. Sebastian, took a sits quietly as (Y/N) have several flashbacks of the past. "Sebastian, I am a country of (C/N); I've lived for centuries and the Pirate era was one of my favourite although it is my darkest." Sebastian raised his brows in confusion as (Y/N) took a sip of her tea, her (E/C) eyes squint a little as she stare at Sebastian. "Unfortunately that was centuries ago. It's all in the past. However I'm going to tell you, one hell of a story." (Y/N) said as she smirk at the smiling butler-loid.

~In the past, a few centuries ago~

(Y/N) was standing by the docks when a pirate ship raid the town she lives in. Her (E/C) darted towards the brute men before her as she defend herself with a sword. However, she was defeated and was taken in by the pirate crew on board the Dark Storm. After a few years had past and the old captain die, she was appointed as the Captain of the ship. Her (H/C) was shining in the sun beneath her captain hat as she walks to her cabin desk for bookings on the ship finance. Her eyebrows etched in seriousness as she calculated her log and writes it down with silent eagerness. The only thing that comfort her was the smell of her specially brewed tea, that was placed on her desk.

"I thought, I have properly told Arthur, that an alliance means losing money." she mumbles to herself as she retrace back to her account balance. "....work...is a hefty thing to do, such tiresome thing" hey eyebrows raise as she sit silently. The crew above are silent, her suspicion grew as she wait for something to happen. Her door flew open and two tall buff pirates walk in with their swords ready and she just stare at them nonchalantly. Her thoughts were confirmed when she heard of a smooth British ascent, talking about how she was giving him a hard time. She curse under her breath. He smirk. Her eyes glaring dagger as she met his glaring glance.

"I can tell, your quite angry" Arthur say. "I am. But to be honest, your on my ship with out permission." (Y/N) reply.

"Such a beauty, like you shouldn't be a Captain of a Pirate ship." He say as he walk closer to her desk. Deep down in his heart, something was making him excited, either the fierce look in your eyes or that silent reply you gave, that give him chills.

However, Y/N is unfazed by him. In fact, Y/N is tired of him coming in like this, and disrupt her work making her flustered at his smooth flirting when she knows his attitude. "No, Arthur" "Captain Kirkland" he says as he stood in front of you. With a sigh, you say; "Captain Kirkland, no, I'm just tired of you barging in like this, and the next thing I know, you would spend the night here, lazing around while I am busy doing trades and balancing my accounts, and sleep in the spare room." He look at you surprise when you ask him, "Do you have feelings for me? Because if you do then, you can keep on pursing; if you don't then stop with this; or if you think of me as your best friend then I would like you to prove that..."

Y/N just sit down there staring at the red faced British man as he stuttered. "Answer me, Arthur?" Due to how reactive he is, he looks at you flustered and mumble, a 'yes, I like you' however you did not heard him and ask him to repeat. "No, I don't think you want to know, I am still confused...I'll be off.." He turns around not looking at Y/N anymore and walk out of the room, with Y/N following suit asking him, if he is 'alright'. No answer was given by the British Man. Y/N was left all alone once he gather all of his crew. The last thing Y/N saw was Flying Mint Bunny, holding a rose and a heart shaped card and he shouted, "Arthur loves you a lot! He is too shy to admit it. Be patience." and after that poof he disappear.

Weeks, past by and not a single sign of him except for a single red rose with a love note everyday since, the incident. Y/N reads the poems or sometime small notes and it was sign with an 'A'.

(You spent your time looking for treasures and conquering some land and make them your harbour. You spend your time wisely developing your country and also your trading route by being a pirate. Your sea knowledge is beyond compare to other pirates as you travel the sea.)

~Back to the present~

As Y/N finish her explanation, Sebastian-loid decided to put the cutlass somewhere better after he clean and polish it. Y/N sits down in her seat as flashback appear and her mind went blank. She did not realize it, when Sebastian was standing before her asking if she was alright. Her flustered face look up at Sebastian's and she shakes her head signalling a 'no'. Ah, Y/N is completely blown away by the Smooth British Gentleman. She could not denied it, and she did have results of her investigation from where those love note in her pirate days come from. 

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