The plan.

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"I never thought it would come to this day. We have a wedding to plan." (Y/n) say loudly to her planners. Sebastian sits on the sofa in the apartment she owned within the city heart. Her face etched into a serious expression that it baffled the butler-loid. Recently, she got proposed and now she have to plan the wedding with only the help of her brothers and her butler-loid. Ludwig and Gilbert both eating a tub of ice cream while listening to (Y/n) from the kitchen and smiles. "Well we can start with the theme and design then move on to the food and off to the dress and cathedral?" (Y/n) say as she look at Sebastian who is writing it all down. "And what is your theme?" the two German brother ask as they look at their little sister. "Green, dark green to be precise with gold." She say as she wrote it down. "Sounds like you figure out my favourite colour." Arthur say from the other side of the screen. Yes, Arthur, the Arthur Kirkland, her fiance' is back in London for work. However he took the liberty to have a video conference with his fiance over matters on the wedding. (Y/n) look at the screen and smiles. "And how about the music?" Gilbert ask. "The two of us have a list of music and the rest is up to your karaoke skills." to this Gilbert cheer as he feels excited. Ludwig look at (Y/N) from his baking catalog. "And the cake, schwester? What flavor?" (Y/n) look at her brother and smiles. "What do you have in mind for a wedding cake brother? I wouldn't mind if it is something elegant and classic." "I'll think about it. The German fruitcake top with royal vanilla icing sounds about right." Ludwig mumble as he set down to write his ideas and drew a picture of the cake on a piece of paper. (Y/N) look towards the mumbling German from her stance and then look at Big brother Prussia, Gilbert, "I believe your going to prepare all the beer brew for the wedding and get most of them drunk? Because we are expecting beer and wine at the wedding. Pick your finest brother. I am counting on you." She say as Gilbert smiles at her and nodded. "Highly noted, my little sister. I will provide only the best of the best the German country have to offer." Gilbert smiles and begin to dial in some number and called in his brewing partners that he have known for centuries. And after a while the elder brother just continue on conversing on his order with the company for the list of beer and wine he needs. The three busily set up the wedding plan while Sebastian waltz away to make dinner for everyone.

Over to Arthur home residence, his brothers were busy discussing about the bachelor party and the wedding party guest, Allistor was in charge of the rum, the others were in charge of the food and invitations. Arthur on the other hand does not know a thing and is quite suspicious of the way his brothers act in front of him. "If your planning on getting me drunk. I don't think (y/n) will be happy about it." he state as he went back to his work. He needs to get fitted for a tuxedo, get the rings ready and also probably manage a few things to surprise (y/n) for the honeymoon.

He felt his head pound at all the thinking and took note on what he needs and made multiple appointments for different things and fittings. Meanwhile Allistor got a scolding from (y/n) on trying to get Arthur drunk before the wedding after she receive the text from Arthur but it all turn into laughter as (y/n) talk silently to Allistor to get Arthur drunk on wedding night.

Arthur on the other hand walks out to the garden to get some fresh air and decided to sit under a tree and is join by flying mint bunny to where the two consume in topics in regard to the wedding and the future.

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