A Hallow's Eve

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A Hallows Eve from The Germanic

(Y/N) And Darcy are both busy baking in the kitchen. The pair giggle as they bake cookies with Halloween theme. Ludwig helps them with baking of cakes. Gilbert and Gilen decorated the ballroom with streamers that look like webs and hang up skeletons. Vash and Lili carve out pumpkins, Roderich and Elizabeth manages with arranging the tables with the help of all the 2P's. The preparation was done classically according to their tradition and is usually hosted by (Y/n) and Darcy.

Cookies coated with frosting with the shape of skeletons, webs, bats, and pumpkins are lay out in trays as the three of you busily prepare dishes. Ludwig's famous cake coated with chocolate coating placed on the counter. While you and Darcy manage to make food from different parts of the world present for the guest country, ranging from pasta to sushi rolls. Ludwig is now busy preparing muffin and as you can tell, you and Darcy will make the spookiest muffin ever. Ludwig does the red velvet glossy coated cake that looks like blood dripping of it. Once done, all food is arranged with their trays at the banquet table, where they are kept warm.

You dress up as a light witch that night while Darcy the dark witch. The two giggles softly as they put on each other's make up and do each other hairs. It soon came to night, the two pranksters made a pack with Gilbert so the three can scare the hell out of everybody. The three walk into the ballroom and greeted the nation that came for the party, the nation's talk amongst each other and drinking. At the stroke of midnight, blackout occurs in the ballroom and a blood curdling scream happen to come from the middle of the ballroom. When the light came back on, it was Darcy, she was stab with a knife in the stomach, causing some countries to freak out and a few came to remove check it out before Darcy body is remove and the blood stain floor is clean. And then a lightning and thunder roar as the second blackout occurs, rains start to pour, and another scream happen to be near the stage. When the lights came back on it was (Y/n) with blood all over and she was stab in the back, causing Arthur to freak the heck out and cry, other countries turn paranoid and begun to have hysteria. (Y/n) is held close by Arthur, her blood sprawling out all over as she caresses Arthur's face gently. "I-I love you..." she mumble as she faints from the world. They put the body away and clean up the bleeding, the Germanic's panic as both their host are gone. The third time the blackout happens, a loud shout then the sound of a gunshot causes the countries lock in the ballroom to cry out in fear and some hides under the table. When the light came on, it was Gilbert. Ludwig, shouted and held his brother close. "Lud-Ludwig...I can't hold on much longer...good bye..." Gilbert say as he breath his last and went limp. The countries soon hurdle in one corner as they try to comfort one another and have flash backs of the fallen ones. "There have to be one murdered amongst us." Ludwig say, and Arthur nodded. "Yes, but we don't know who." Arthur stares at (y/n) body from a far. The three corpses are place on top the stage, suddenly the ballroom blacks out and thunder resounding with lightning in the background, groaning sounds occur as one of the corpse lift their hands, terrified scream happen from below the stage as the three corpses move, revealing three pales face dead countries moving about slowly. "Revenge~..." The three whispers as they move around the light does not came back on and the countries try to find the three-moving corpse, but they could not until they look up at the corpse floating in air. Arthur looks up, "(y/n)?" he questions and (Y/n) sharply turn her head to Arthur, her eyes now a glowing green and her body as if burning green flames as she floats down to Arthur. "You?!" She shouted a derange shout. Ludwig saw Gilbert, "Bruder?!" and Gilbert look at Ludwig, "YOU?!" his voice resounds in the ballroom. Oliver looks up at his lover in air and frowns. "DARCY!" He shouted, and Darcy flips her head to look at him in a deranged manner. "You~~" She say as if she found a solution. They smirk evilly as the float down and before you know it, half the crowd is hiding. Arthur, Ludwig, and Oliver stood in front of the people they knew. (y/n) held a gun and smirk evilly as she points it at Arthur. Darcy held a knife crazily, her eyes making green swirls around as she prepares to stab Oliver. Gilbert held a short dagger with his eye flashing green and a smirk appear as he points it at Ludwig. The three men does not know what to do. Arthur close his eyes prepare to die as (y/n) smirks and shot. Gilbert stabs Ludwig; while Darcy, Oliver. The light went back on and no one dies, (y/n), Darcy and Gilbert smirk and shouted, "You have been tricked or treat~" And the countries came out in relief when the say it was staged. But some were angry, for example Prussia get hit in the head by Hungary for the scare. (y/n) and Darcy snap their fingers and save Gilbert from the hit, causing the Prussian to be place behind the two as the two looks at the Hungarian woman disapprovingly. "It's Halloween and we thought a scare would be a good thing." (Y/n) said and Darcy nodded. "It's not cool." She says. Gilbert nodded, "So unawesome." The Hungarian puff her cheeks and walk away. Arthur without delay gone into tsundere mode with Oliver for what we have done. The two avoided me and Darcy like the plague until it is a slow dance for couples, played on from the stage. The two walks towards me and Darcy but the two of us walk away. Unfortunately for (Y/n), she was caught when the two went separate ways. (Y/n) was turn around to face the British man, her heart pounding in her chest. "(Y/n) would you like to dance with me please?" Arthur ask softly, his eyes looking and observing you. "I thought you avoided me like the plague? Because of what I did." (Y/n) say as Arthur position himself and held (Y/n) hand and waist and pull (Y/N) close to him. Arthur blushes, "I'm sorry, I was just surprise, it took a lot for me to accept that you have scare me, even Alfred approve and named you as the number one Halloween scare now. But to be honest, when I saw you, dying in my arms, I can't help but feel like a part of me died and I thought I would lose you forever." (Y/N) smiles softly and kisses Arthur's cheek. "I'm sorry for the prank, but if I notify you of it, you would have to join and pretend to die with me~. I'm here with you forever." (Y/n) said as the two of you shared a personal dance session to the slow music, causing the crowd to part as you waltz your way gracefully around. (Y/N) can see Darcy and Oliver in the corner making out causing (Y/N) to smile and look back at Arthur dazzling green eyes that look at her with adoration and love. She took this time to give him a kiss, a long and loving one that is, causing Arthur to kiss back equally. The two of you pull back for air and the crowd around the two of you claps their hand along with a few wolf whistles from the BTT and Denmark. You and Arthur giggle softly as the two of you walk out the dance floor and towards your bedroom, to talk throughout the night while the rest party.

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