A war of two realm.

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Feriel look at the dark elve that invaded the house and held his sword. "State your name and business." He say darkly as the dark she elf stood up and held her hands up. "Dheliea daughter of Gehal, warrior of the Moon Clan. I'm here by the directives Your Royal Highness, the Queen of the Light elves and her humble servant, Priestess Ghela. You are to be summon back to the palace with (Y/N) as a huge crisis has come upon the Kingdom. Elves fled from other part of the country and those dark elves who are good and demand justice have rebelled against the Dark Elves royal family and join in alliance with the Light Elves." Her voice reflects urgency. Feriel put his sword away and stood straight. "Feriel of the Sun clan. Warrior and right hand man in direction of the Queen for (Y/N)." He say and (Y/N) came out the dining room when she notice the commotion. "Is everything alright?" She asked softly as she look between the she elf and the he elf. The she elf bow in respect to (Y/N) and tell her of the mission she was given by the Queen. (Y/N) nods and look back at the dining room. "We can leave after dinner and Feriel please show Dheliea around. I would join you later at the garden and with a few help. I'm sure help would be greatly needed." (Y/N) say softly in concern and slip back to the dining room with a smile on her face. She sits back down at her seat and soon dinner started with a full course meal.

Arthur take chances to glance quite often at (Y/N) as he feel something is not right. He notice a seemingly dark power is coming by and notices the light he elf shows the dark she elf around the mansion. He notice a fleeting scene of magical creature out at the backyard. None of this is recognized by the people in this mansion except for (Y/N) and him. He calmly reply to every question as he waits for dinner to end. So he can talk with (Y/N) and ask her what the situation is. Not to soon after, his wish was granted as dinner ended and (Y/N) make her way towards him with an etch concern on her serene expression. The family member have excused her and Arthur so the couple would talk and have space to discuss the matters of engagement. However, Arthur have other plans running through his mind. He wants to know what is scarring those creatures away, why are they hurt and where are they going. (Y/N) have already stood before him by the time he was about to ask her, when she replied, "Arthur, I know you saw it too. Danger is approaching. Dark elves revolting against the Light elves wanting more power and to conquer the two realms. Part of the dark elves that oppose to this idea are cast out and is now helping the light elves. This will cause disaster to the realms if the Dark elves were to conquer the two realm. For there will only be darkness and light will be gone forever." With that Arthur nodded and held (Y/N) hand. " We should contact Lukas and Vladimir. We need back up." Arthur say softly as he took out his phone and text the two country. Feriel came back with Dehliea and the four of you wait out at the back yard for the two magic users aside from Arthur and (Y/N). When the two teleported there, (Y/N) opens up a portal which lead them to the glen.

The light elves travel off from the glen to the mansion where (y/n) reside. The deep in the forest behind the mansion was their place of living. The dark green pine trees, lush shrubs filled with berries and a pure clear pond in the middle of the village, provide a serene feeling to the village image. However the sigh of the elves around were of horror as most fled from other elven villages. Some even encounter the dark elves and were badly injured. A few black elves that have turn against their leader were also found in the area, talking to the elders of the elve about how to overthrow the evil Prince to claim back the balance between the two elves.

It was midnight, when the dark elf that visited Feriel came back with the warrior himself and (Y/N). She quickly brought the two to meet the Queen of the elves. The high Priestess Ghela stood at the right side and the chief leader of the dark elves stood on the left. " (Y/N), Feriel and Dheliea." The Priestess acknowledge. " Who are these three male?" The Queen question as (Y/N) bows down with the two elves. "This are my companions. They know of magic and magical creatures. They are here as allies." (Y/N) say and the Queen nodded. "Welcome to our Kingdom of Light. Now a refugee for all magical creatures in (C/N) as the uproar from the Dark elves arisen. They are now in the city, my dear (Y/N). We need all the help we can get. Please get dressed and come back fully in armour. We would be in the strategic room to devise a plan before we head out for war." Her soft gentle voice vibrates melodiously as the Queen nods towards the maids to direct you away and to a room where you are to change. (Y/N) changes into her armour and places her dual blade knife in secret compartments, then her swords behind her. She add a few extra blades that she can throw incase she needs it and put on her gloves that would reveal two long blades at her knuckles when needed. Arthur was dress up in armour with Lukas and Vladimir, the magic trio were given weapons that suits them. Arthur with his bow and arrow and short blades. Vladimir with his rapier. Lukas with his sword. This will help them to defend themselves if the found themselves in trouble. (Y/N) walks out her room and to the three, only to receive a wolf whistle from Vladmir which got a smack in the head by Arthur. "That's my girlfriend there." Arthur snap and Vladimir apologizes as (Y/N) walks and then gesture for them to walk to the strategic room. (Y/N) leads the trio to the strategic room and making small talks with the boys. "So how did you obtain this title?" Vladimir ask. "I was raised by them for quite a while before I found Gilbert and the Teutonic Knights. The elves know I am a country. They teach me a lot of spells, I hope I am not rusty at my skill sets." (Y/N) say. Arthur nods. "And how did you meet Arthur?" Lukas ask. (Y/N) smiles. "We meet when Gilbert took me to meet Francis, his best friend. To brag about me being his little sister. I was only a little country at the time but I'm growing up fast. Arthur was a little country too, so I ended up with him, sitting there judging our elder countries together and talking about bunnies." Arthur nods. "And then we work together when we were in the Pirate era." Arthur say. "Is that when you keep asking me what is romantic to a girl?" Vladimir ask with a toothy grin. "Let's not talk about that." Arthur say and we arrive at the room and I open the door and walk in with the trio following me. "I think we can continue this while we fight." (Y/N) say as she look at the map while the Queen is talking with a few ministers and the commander of the army.

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