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You look up to the sound of people coming in as you quietly sip on your coffee after you placed an invitation on every country desk. Your eyes dart towards a blonde hair German and you nodded in respect towards him. "Good Morning Ludwig, I have placed an invitation to a Christmas party host by my country. I hope you would announce that later on in the meeting." Germany nods and you smile as you continue your work and more people coming in and sound of excited countries filled the mass hall as they found a party invitation on their desk.
England took a seat beside you and read the invitation quietly. You took a look at the person around the room reading their invitations with a big smile until, America shouted, "(Y/N)!!!~ YOUR HOSTING A PARTY?~ " the Brit beside you covers his ear and cringe. You follow suit as his voice was horribly loud. "Yes..yes I am." I say softly. America engulf you in a hug causing you to pat the american back awkwardly. Then France appear out of nowhere, trying to hug you as well. "ohonhonhonhon~~~" his laugh echos and you shivers a little before you smack the french man on the head and restrain him on his back. The Brit and German look at you and nodded in approval. "Stay where you are! You have the right to remain silence, and you shall be trial in court." You say silently but with authority. "(Y/N), snap out of it. Your in a meeting." France say and you got off him, apologizing for your mistake as it was instinct that took over you the moment you turn defensive.

~2 hours pass and it was break time~

You got out of the meeting room after you told Germany about your work and request to be away. In truth you want to be alone. "(Y/N)?" The sound of a certain Brit caught your attention and you turn around to see him holding his files. "Yes?" you answer as you turn around fully to face him. He look at you and blush a little as he muster up all his courage to ask you out, "Would you like to have lunch with me? And maybe we could go out for a while...if you want too... if you have other plans maybe some other time.." His voice hopeful that you would accept his invitation. You, dumbstruck, look down and blush softly. "I-I..." You stuttered and curse at yourself. Let's be honest, you have always have a crush for the British man. Even if his eyebrows, looks a lot like caterpillars; however it was his country and his personality that caught your heart. You love his culture, the history, the tsundere persona of the individual and also his tea. "I would love to." You say after a while of thinking and the British man smiles brightly. "Let's go. " he say as he leads you out the meeting room and out of the building towards the street. "I know a restaurant that makes good British cuisine." He says as you stood beside him. "Do they have Yorkshire pudding? " you ask softly and he looks at you surprise. "H-how do you know?"

"I've been to London before and had some, along with scones and fish and chips. Camden is awesome." You say as you smile at the fond memories of your recent visit there for a holiday. The British was a mess, his blushing hard when you turn to look at him. "Oh my, Arthur; are you okay? your all red." You say as you smile softly. He looks at you and gives you a small smile as he covers his face. "I-I didn't e-expect to be complimented by someone I admire." He say as he covers his face completely with his hand. "This is embarrassing." "What is? I find it cute. I love your country. " You say honestly and smile. "If you don't mind me saying so, I love your country for its massive bookstore and diverse intellectuals of books." You say enthusiastically.

Britain's POV~

Arthur, blushes furiously as he took your hand and lead you to the restaurant as you talk about books happily. He did not know how to respond to you, since you talk about the things he loves and he never found someone like you ever. you were a new country to him. He walks in the restaurant and tell the waiter that there are only the two of you for lunch. As for you, you were looking around the restaurant calmly with a smile on your face, as you observe the surroundings. His heart beats fast at the sight. What he was sure is, are you an angel that he had long for? Or are you going to break his heart? "(Y/N), do you believe in magic?" He says as the two of you were seated and a menu was given. "Yes!~" you say as you twirl your fingers and a tiny sprite came to be before him. "This is Snow." A tiny little light blue sprite appear and sit on your shoulder. He looks at it with a soft smile. "I think I saw Mint bunny a few times." you say and wink at him.

Distance Apart (England X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now