this is a fucking weird chapter

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Virgil pov

Me and roman sit in our schools cafeteria waiting for someone to walk in. We are like ten minutes early for lunch.

I pull out my phone and start texting him.

Virgil. Yo asshole fuck youuuuuu.

Roman. Of fucking course I would get stuck in here with you.

Virgil. Hey I'm just as mad as you are. I fucking hate you mother fucker.

Roman. Sure you fucking asshole.

Virgil. You're fucking delirious if you think I like you in any way. honestly I would rather fucking die than talk to you.

Roman. Then fuck off.


Finally patton and remus walk in. They both get there lunches and sit down at the popular kids table.

Me on the other hand I prefer the unpopular badasses table. With Dee and Logan. Sometimes Remus chills here but enough to be considered a member.

~le time skip to detention~

I sit in detention waiting for someone to walk in when roman walks in and sits near the door.

Roman. Fuck I'm stuck in here with the ugly fucking emo.

I sit there for a second. Me and Roman may not see eye to eye but we never actually mean to hurt eachother. At least I thought that apparently Roman doesn't think the same way.

I sat there the whole period just trying not to cry. I act all tough and shit but words hurt. After the period ended I grabbed my book and ran out of the room. My phone Started to go off like crazy. When I finally got to my locker I throw my books in and grab my scatebored and check my phone.

Roman. Oh fuck um sorry.

Roman. Hey you okay you seem upset.

Roman. Was it the ugly emo thing. I said sorry.

I ran to Dee who was at the back of the school smoking like usual. "Hey v roman said you looked upset what's up," I just lean against the wall. "He called me a ugly fucking emo." Dee just stairs at me.

"Damn mate I told you Roman was an self-absorbed asshole who would hurt anyone to stay on top." All of a sudden we hear someone take off down the side of the school. Dee tries to see who ran off but they were gone. "Well you wanna go mess with Logan he said he would tutor us again." I laugh and we run off to piss off our robot of a human.

Roman. Hey emo I am truly sorry about the ugly thing. Remy dared me to start calling you that and I guess I never stopped.


I just layed there in my bed and re-read those few texts over and over for an hour or two. Eventually I fall asleep.



Roman. Emo talk to me.

Roman. Emo I'm sorry.

Roman. Is there something I could do??

Roman. Please.

Roman. please.


When I got to school I notice that princey wasn't there. "Hey can one of you nerds tell princy to stop bothering me," I hiss. Patton and Remus jump slightly.

"Wait you can reach Roman he won't answer anyone and wasn't home last night," remus practically yelled. "Last text I got was at 3. A.M," I mutter. "Text him back I need to know if he is okay," Patton yelled as a few other students looked over at us as if we were acting weird.

"I'm not talking to that asshole," I hiss, patton looks over a little disappointed but says nothing. As I start to walk away remus says "if Roman has ever done anything nice for you you'll answer him." I stop and look back slightly before continuing to walk. Then something I never would have expected was said. "If Roman ever made you feel like shit he will step in," remus seemed actually worried.

Slowly I reach my hand in my pocket and pull out my phone. Remus just looks over at me shocked. I call Roman to which he responds. "Roman get your ass to school now," I said sounding as if I was angry. Then I hang up, Pat just looks at me while Remus doesn't believe it.

I walk away to be met at the back of the school by Roman. " Virg I didn't mean to call you ugly .the secret is I've always been jealous to you .you had no one messing with you. No one ever treating you like shit. No one ever telling you to go kill yourself." Roman hugged me and refuse to let go." Virge I was up on that bridge that you always told me is your best option for dying .virge if you didn't call I would have been off that bridge within seconds."

"Roman my life isn't always perfect and I'm taking away your privileges for looking at Bridges. Roman were you the one at the side of the school who took off yesterday." I asked slowly letting my arm rubbed circles in his back. "Yeah," he said silently.

"Roman deceit was just mad he doesn't like when people down me I'm like a brother to him, I don't think any of that, I don't believe any of that, I know none of that is true. Well besides for you having an ego this size of the Eiffel tower." He smiles slightly.

"You're still not allowed on Bridges,"

Word count 906

Have a good day and night and outer space🚀

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