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Virgil has a spider. This is no major problem. The problem comes when I have to spend the night in v's room. I hate spiders. They are so gross. Patton also hates them. When Patton found out about the spider he ran out of v's room and has made me come up here to give him anything Patton needed him to have.

V tells me he's harmless but tarantulas are not harmless. They are evil. I hate them.

"Hey princey," my boyfriend calls waiting for me outside his room. "Hey v. Are you sure you don't want to spend the night in my room." Of course he doesn't. Virgil doesn't know I have a small fear of spiders. And don't get me wrong they are kind of cool. Just not enough for me to wanna have one within four hundred feet of me.

"Babe you have been avoiding my room lately is something going on," v asks. "No v it's just that the spider thing kind of came out of no where," I say, hopeing v would understand. "Oh yeah, sorry about that. But battie is a nice spider ish," he muttered the last part. "I'm sorry ISH," I said a little louder than expected. "Well he is an old world.(if you know what that means I love you) they aren't known for being the nicest."v responses pulling me in his room. "No, nope ,not happening. Nope never In a million years. Love you,but no," I said, trying to leave but v already locked the door. V keeps the door locked so remus and deceit can't break in in the middle of the night.

"Ro you promised we would cuddle," v whines. I did promise him. And I have been pushing it off for a few months.

"We can cuddle in my room," I answer trying to leave again to be met with an angry Virgil in my face. "Ro you promised,and a promise is a promise." V says giving me his puppy dog eyes. I may or may not have a soft spot for v. What can I say have you seen him. He's as cute as Patton. Except with a lot more emo and a little less fluff.

Although I wouldn't have it any other way. V is perfect for me.

"Please ro ro," I cave every time. I have a huge soft spot for the nick name ro ro. V says it all the time and has almost killed Remus over it. Remus was making fun of it and then jokingly called me it and v was not having it.

"Fine v just keep your little spider away from me and if possible out of view," I ask, he shoves me in the closet and hides his spider. "It's not the first time I was in here before," I smirk knowing v just face palmed. "A closet joke really." After a few minutes v started to fall asleep in my arms. I move slightly, still holding him and click his light off. Then I get up and plug in multiple crown night lights.

These were mine for my roof. But when I started dating v I realized how bad his night terrors really were. It got to a point where he was terrified of the dark so I gave them to him. Plus they remind him of me so it's a win win.

I still plug them in just in case. How badly v woke up every night. How helpless everyone was till he calmed down enough to comprehend what was going on. How petrified he was to sleep. How he refused to sleep unless he was in my arms.

Thomas was so stressed v actually had to duck out for a few days. Now Thomas is learning new ways to cope with stress so v won't get overwhelmed so badly. Now v only panics if we do something stupid or if I'm out on an adventure for to long.

I lay back down and let v get comfortable. The mind scape is always freezing so everyone has very heavy blankets. The only place that is heated is the living room. V's room Is the coldest. Logan is never cold he says that emotion is blocked for him. Although we all know that's why he hangs out in the library. The library is right next to the living room so it's also warm. Even in summer it's freezing in the mind scape.

V's room is the farthest away from the living room. Our hallway has multiple doors in it. Logan and Patton's hallway only have there rooms and a bathroom. Our hallway has the imagination room, a storage room and a lot of closets. And I mean A LOT. V loves all the closets but mine is his favorite. At least in our hallway.

The one under the stairs is his favorite of all time.

When I wake up I notice v playing with his hairy evil spider. V notices I woke up and put his spider away then he walked over to me. "Morning ro," v smiled crawling up to me. Morning v." He smiles and lets me kiss him. V rests his head on my chest. "Tired kitten," I ask knowing my answer. "Yeah ro," v muttered shivering slightly. V then slowly starts to fall asleep.

The end


Words : 899

Enjoy and I hope you have a good day, night, outer space 🚀🚀🚀

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