school night

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TW SA, molested, brain hurt knowledge 

Roman was on his way over to a party when he realized his one and only crush lived next store, he wasn't much of a partyer so Roman decided to go see him on this wonderful Wednesday night.

When I arrived on the parties street, I realized I knew the boy next store, it was my favorite emo in the entire school, the one and only Virgil blade.

I pulled over on the side of the street, the street was littered with cars, all of which were jocks and the popular girls rides. It may seem shocking but I don't like any of them, they are all nothing but fake, now don't get me wrong, I'm all for drama, but the "omg Brittany is wearing the same shirt as cloe" type shit is annoying.

I get out of my car and walk towards Virgils house. No offense to my vv but he's definitely home, it's a Wednesday. Besides, Virgil's room lights are on, Virgil always turns the light off when he leaves his room so when he gets back to his room it doesn't "burn his eyes"

I walk over and knock on the door, to which no one answers, which is expected, especially with a party next door, he's probably been getting people knocking all night. I walk to the back yard of his house, knowing I'm allowed to just randomly show up in his window cuz where friends.

The next thing I know I'm on the ground in Virgil's room. "Are you trying to get me grounded? Or worse, the cops called. Your lucky there not home, you really need to work on being sneaky," I look up at him, his dark brown hair flowing from the open window breeze.

"I'm sorry your tree got smaller," I roll my eyes, getting off the ground. Virgil chuckles before grabbing my hand and helping me up. "I let them cut those limbs off just to annoy you," he laughs. His room seems a lot more messy than usual, papers everywhere,   pencils scattered all around the room,  his computer set up on twelve text books, open books, monster cans, crumbled up papers, nail polish, hell, even his desk chair was on the ground. "busy?" i chuckle.

"duh, the finals are coming up, i cant get a low grade or it will totally botch my gpa and i wont get into my dream college, an if i don't get into the college i want ill-" i interrupt "end up flipping burgers in McDonald i know, i know. you've said it twelve hundred times, although my offer still stands, you could come to my college, second best in the world and its right here in Florida," i know his answer already, its a no, he dislikes my school of choice  due to the the amount of people who have gone and ended up ditching because it takes a lot of work.

"roman, you know why i don't want to go there, plus, i'm trying to get away from our home town, you now i don't fit in here, but that doesn't matter, because i'm going to do great on this test, and i'm going to get into this college," i sigh, i want to stay around virgil, hes been there with me since before we started school, hes always been there,but i cant get into MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)(a/n  The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has the lowest acceptance rate of any art and design school in the world, making it the most competitive of its kind. Having been dubbed as the hardest art school to get into, the arts are an essential part of the core curriculum and the research community at MIT. and yes this is all true) i believe virgil can do it, but i cant. 

"roman, snap out of it," Virgil hit me with an unopened condom. " why the fuck do you have a condom in your room?" i ask, Virgil rolls his eyes "maybe because i live with whores and if im ever molested again id rather not get an std, like seriously, the least he can do is put a condom on." i frown, i hate virgils parents, he souldn't have to worry about being raped in his own household. i grab one of the textbooks, flipping to a random page "After a long day at work Janet, who has not eaten all day, is riding home with a coworker. Along the way her friend tells her about her sister's wedding in minute detail: the gown, the flowers, the enormous cake, and the horrible rain storm that ruined it all. Janet's friend comments: "Can you believe it rained?" to which Janet responds "What flavor was it?" Which element of listening does Janet most clearly demonstrate? a. Hearing b. Attending c. Understanding d. Remembering e. Responding" virgil goes silent thinking for a minuet before responding " b. Attending," i smile, hes correct, of course he is, he could tie logan if he was stressed enough. "see you don't need to worry, you've got this down me on the other hand, i haven't even looked at half of this," his eyes widen" why the hell haven't you been studying, i know i said your school lacked a necessary high gpa but its still important."

"virge i got this, here ask me a question ," i toss him the book, he scrolls through until he finds a good one"If someone asked you if you liked their hair and you replied, "It's really unusual," when you actually hate it, you would would be  a)lying b)equivocating c)clarifying d)validating e)manipulating" vigils eyes scanned me for any worry but i was as calm as a flower in the wind, "b equivocating," vigils eyes lit up"wow, how did you know that?" i smile, " simple, i study theater, i need to know the reactions of people, what tone to use, the word unusual is a word rarely used when lying or clarifying, validating doesn't make since because you actually hate it and what do you get out of manipulating her? so its only right its b,"virgil still seemed to be in disbelief, " hey roman?" i look over, rasing an eyebrow"yes" he sets the book down" maybe you should try and get into MIT you're clearly smart enough." i was confused, im no where near smart enough to get in

weeks later to when they finaly get their letters

me an virge haven't opened any letters yet, me and virge in total sent 13 applications out, all 13 finnaly got back and we decided to open them together, we started with South Florida State College, easy to get into, and yes we both could go there, then School of the Art Institute of Chicago, which again we both got in, then RISD, which i did not get accepted for but virgil did, then Art Academy of Cincinnati, which was also accepted, then Brown University, which was surprisingly a no for virgil but a yes for me, then Florida A&M the school i wanted, which was a no for me, virgil didn't put one in for this one, now MIT, v was scared but i wasnt, he will get in, hes smart, we open the letters,before i read mine i look at virgil, who has a smirk on his face" im a MIT student!"he yells huging me, i turn to my letter,after my hug , and my eyes widen, and heart skips a beat. "Ima MIT student too!" my mind was racing when i got a hug from virgil, who i could tell i would have around me for the rest of mt life.

As i put the final bag in the car Virgil looks at me, virgils mind racing, his body does something he didn't even realized and kissed roman, roman returned the kiss immediately, college was jut the beginning.

this took too long, i had to do too much god damn research but its done and i like it a lot.  

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