ohh the drama

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my friend actually encountered this in Rhode island, and ive been bored cuz i have covid so i decided to use it. Keep in mind anything that I put into the characters backstory is NOT something that actually happened. If you want the full story of what actually happened I will have my friend give me the whole rundown. So comment if you would like it or not.

Virgil wasn't usually violent, he usually tried to stay away from conflict. But today wasn't a normal day.

Virgil was shopping with Patton, Patton's boyfriend Logan, and Logan's friend roman. Virgil and Logan have only talked once and he had never seen roman before. They where walking through the aisles when a man who reaked of alcohol started screaming at his daughter for not having a phone to call her mother. the daughter seemed upset with tears in her eyes.

it all remined him of his little sister who passed away in a car accident due to his drunk "father". He never saw him as that though. Patton noticed and tried to get Virgil away from the area but it was to late there was no way Virgil was leaving until he knew the little girl was alright.

Virgil walked over and asked "excuse me little girl are you alright?" A kind expression crossed his face. "the fuck are you doing, stop talking to my daughter." The girl was thrown behind the man. "I was simply making sure she was alright, sir, may I ask how much you have drank before driving?"

The man became violent, screaming and almost becoming physical. "Sir I have to ask you not to touch me," Virgil repeated for the ninth time. Patton snuck over to the little one and got her away from the violence. Eventually he pushed Virgil into one of the shelves with all of the breads and such. That was Virgils last straw.

Most people didn't know but Virgil's brother Remy was a professional fighting coach. So Virgil was taught to fight since Remy was his caretaker.

Virgil took being pushed into a shelf as enough to defend himself. After a few quick punched security had surrounded them, but hadn't stopped them. They just wanted to watch a "small fri" like Virgil beat up a fat ass.

Eventually they where dragged outside. Patton was still holding the little girl. Virgil ended up with a court date but the other guy was going to be arrested with a DUI, child endangerment, assault, and a few other things. The little girl ended up coming home with Patton. While they walked Roman and Virgil ended up talking because Patton and Logan where being all mushy and shit.

"You know, that was pretty epic." Roman laughed, replaying the video he got. "I guess," Virgil responded laughing at the edits Roman had added. "Where did you even learn to fight like that," Virgil was holding a sleeping child slowly rocking her back and forth. "My brother isn't a big fan of me being picked on. And he's a trainer so I got like $9,000 worth of training for free." Roman wasn't to shocked, if anything he found it attractive.

"Hey, what do you say we go out, I mean what's the harm, it's better than being third wheels for the love birds over there," he laughed at Logan yelling "hey!"

I giggle, smiling slightly "I'd like that, although I can't promise I won't lose it on someone else while where out."

The little girl grew up as Patton and logans child and came out as trans. His name is now Leo and he loves his uncle Virgil and Roman. Who ended up never marrying but having a child named Alex(if u have been a reader for awhile you would know that that is a very common and expectable name, usually always Roman and Virgil's kid) and the man ended up in jail for his charges as he was a convicted felon.

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