•12•The Boy she pretended to Hate

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QOTD: Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations.


Chapter 12: Hot

One week later

"Are you done with the packing?" Sam asked through the phone.

"Yep! I am," I said trying to close the chain of my suitcase, "trying to close my suitcase." I said huffing.

"Come on fast, we need to hurry, I don't wanna loose my flight." Medh said whining as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Medh! We still have 3 hours left!" Sam scolded Medh.

"Stop acting like you're the eldest!"

"Well, technically she is." I said. Sam was 5 months elder then me and 7 months elder then Medh. Though we were of the same age. Medh groaned.

"Stop acting like grandma Medh!" Sam scolded her again.

"Stop fighting and lemme do my last minute packing okay?" I said hung up the phone. I took my suitcase and one handbag and went down, struggling. Cause I can't even walk properly when I have nothing in my hands, so this is a lot! I saw my mom sitting on the table drinking coffee. She smiled and came to me, helping me get my bags down. I smiled at her. "Thank you mom." I said and she smiled.

"Why?" She asked.

"You're letting me go to this trip, I didn't knew you would." I said.

"I'm a mother after all, don't I want my child's happiness." She said cupping my face with one hand. I held her hand as I tear leaked and I hugged her tightly as my entire life was dependent on that one hug. "Avneet, Avneet, don't cry, you're going on your first trip of out the country, you need to be happy." She said caressing my head. I pulled away and she wiped my tears. "Enjoy okay? And, don't forget to call me or at least text me once you reach. Stay safe okay?" She said and nodded wiping the rest of my tears with the back of my hand. "And, no sex on the trip!" She said glaring me playfully. As I and her chuckled through our tears.

"No, mom. I won't have sex." I said laughing.

"Stay safe, honey. You're the only person I have now." She said caressing my cheek and I nodded.

"Okay, enough of mellow drama, I really gotta go or my friends gonna eat me alive." I said and we laughed.

"Do you want me to drop you?" She asked smiling.

"No mom, Siddharth said he will come here to pick me up." I said putting my bags near the door. I saw my mom's smile turning into smirk causing me roll my eyes. My mom loves taking gossip out of me.

"You and Siddharth got really close, because, the first time he came to our house you were literally being so mean huh?" She asked smirking.

"Mom! Stop over thinking, he's acting nicely so I'm not mad to come at him for no reason." I said taking my mini bag.

"Yeah sure, I get you. And, I don't want any more bunks, only one bunk a year is enough, is that clear?" I looked at her and my mouth almost touched the ground.

"H-how did you..?" I asked putting a hair strand behind my ear.

"I'm your mother honey, the authorities called me. And also, Siddharth told Emily and she told me." I said as I mentally face palmed. I'm going to kill Siddharth.

"I-I'm really sorry mom, I got a detention an-

"You got a what?!" Mom cut me off as I clicked my tongue and mentally groaned.

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