chapter 18

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~no one pove~

13 years later, Ezra had left Carl and his friends, he felt anger pooling inside of him. He was outside at night in the woods far from any kingdom around, he was talking to himself still mad because of his plan fail and he was also mad that he try to shot Harley. He couldn't imagine seeing the gal he is crazy in love, dead on the floor. Ezra had to find another way to make Harley his and only his.

Meanwhile, Harley twins both grabbing her legs trying to stop her from going anywhere. "Don't go mom, please!" Both of the twins scream as the maid in the castle picks up both of them. "Mommy had to go sweetie, I won't be long for long." Harley said as she give of the twins a kiss on their forehead then she left the castle.

Harley had went to Lulu spaceship as she walk inside of him ship, Lulu hugs her excited for her to go to earth. Harley been to earth before that how she met her kids father and fell in love with him. Lulu start the spaceship up as it start to fly in the air into space.

It only took a day to get to earth, as the the spaceship landed on earth they went out of the ship but suddenly they were not excited anymore. Earth was different, Lulu stay in the ship as Harley look around but soon she found a city. She look at the city then she use water to change from her queen dress to her normal clothes, a blue shirt, a long skirt, dark blue gloves, long white socks with black shoes keeping her necklace on still.

She walk into the city seeing the people in there scare and some homeless. Harley felt really bad as she kept looking around, she keep seeing soldiers around and she hides from them fearing them. She kept hiding away whenever she sees the soldiers then she accidentally dumped into someone. "Ow," thhe only thing that Harley hear before she turn around to see a small child with purple hair and purple clothes.

"Oh I am sorry child, I didn't see you." Harley said with a calm tone, the child forgive her and introduced herself as Scarlet so Harley introduces herself too. "Where are your parent?" Harley ask Scarlet looking down at her, "my dad is in his office in the tower." Scarlet said as Harley thought he might in control of the city.

She stay with Scarlet fearing if people try to hurt her, she listens to talking about My Little Pony and other shows then she wanted to take Harley to have her watch shows with her. Harley didn't see no problem with that as she followed Scarlet until they got to her room then they start to watching some shows, mostly My Little Pony.

Harley thought about Scarlet father. 'Who is he? How does have a control over a whole city? Why is he in control?' She thinks alot then she kinda got worry if Scarlet father come around. Harley didn't understand anything but she knew that she had to leave.

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