chapter two

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~Harley POV~
Everything dark like always, being in the dark in my sleep. My eyes slowly opened as I heard chirping from the birds in the morning like they always do.

I got from my bed and walk to the closet that was near the bed, opening it open and grabbing one of the dresses I picked for the day. A white dress with kinda puffy sleeves, I changed into that dress and went over to a mirror to brush my short brown hair.

After done with that I fixed my bed before leaving my room and going to my sons and daughters rooms. First I went to my son Ben took to see if he's up already and he was. I watch Ben making a teacup out of clay. "Morning sweetie" I said to Ben and he turned around to look at me and smiled. "Morning mom, how are you?" He said as he went to making the teacup. "I'm fine" "same" Ben said after I just talk first. I left Ben room and went to my daughter Sarah room.

I can already hear Sarah is up cause she play the piano every morning. I open her door and look in to see her, Sarah happily playing the piano without a care in the world.

I see my twins Jay and Jane up and out of there room. John was in Angie room playing tea with her, bet she made him play.

I close the door and walk over to the throne room where I see my assistants there waiting for me.

"Ah, there you are my queen" said my assistants who looked happy, I smiled at him and I see the blush appeared on his cheeks. "Anything new today?" I asked the assistants and he shook his head, I sighed and sat on the throne. "Are you not hungry, my queen?" My assistants asked me and I looked at him. "No, I'm not" "but you would need energy if you don't eat in the morning" he said with worried in his voice and it was cute that he cared about me. I giggled and the assistant blushed but try to hide it. "Please get the kids to go eat breakfast" I said to the assistant. "Sure thing, my queen" he said happy as he walked away.

I looked up at the ceiling then a crash from one of the windows, I looked around quickly and I see my enmity Lime. He has pick short curly hair, gray hoodie, dark red eyes, black pants, black gloves and black boots. "I'm back again, Harley!" Lime yelled as he pulled out a knife and shake in disbelieve. "Do not have anything better to do?" I asked with a annoyed tone and Lime growled as he looked at me. "You know I came here trying to kill is a thing I do" Lime said and I smiled knowing I'll just kick his butt again. It was only 5 seconds that I beat Lime and kicked him out of Castle.

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