Chapter 48

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"Holy goodness," Scarlet said in shock. The other clone of her fired at Scarlet, Harley quickly tackled Scarlet down to make the bullet miss as they heard the clone yelling 'get off my cornfield,' then she fired again.

The clone reloads her gun as Harley see this as a destruction. She spray water at the clone as hard she can as Scarlet ran towards the clone leg swiping her knocking down and getting her knocked out by hitting her head on the porch. "Oh my, I did it," the rest of the family catch up to Harley and Scarlet then seeing the other clone of Scarlet knock out on the ground. Scarlet was gonna go inside the house to take some items from inside the place but Harley had to stop her as her older sister Hana bring the clone inside then leaving it. Scarlet ask if the clone was gonna be okay as Harley nodded in response.

She kneel down to Scarlet's level to say something but they heard an cop car arriving at the home as another clone of Scarlet came out of the car dress up as a police officer making the family confused now. "Freeze, this the County police. Hands up now and get on the ground!" Harley and Scarlet look at the clone cop confused as Harley spray a little bit of water at the cop trying to test if the clone was real. The clone cop was now angry as she took her taser out to tase Harley but Zach steps in to block which he ends up being tase. He scream out in pain as Hana was able to grav the clone cop collar shirt slamming her ontop of the hood of the cop car, Scarlet looked at Hana as a second clone cop Scarlet came out of the car holding a pump shotgun loading shells into it then fired at Hana hitting her shoulder making Harley step in taking the taser and tasting the second cop then she collapsed. Hana threw the first cop down hard as she held her shoulder, Po carried Zach on her back as the family had to leave fast before more cops show up at the area. The family traveled as Hana had to bandage her own shoulder up not letting anyone else to help her, they soon stop seeing a city feeling a bit hope then they walk to it but gasp in shock seeing a lot more clones of the purple headed child walking around like normal people as Scarlet open her mouth. "Now I remember," The family turn to Scarlet of having to hear that, "What?" Po ask in confusion.

"I remember now, there other versions of me are from other dimensions and some are just clones. They started to repeat human history like the first world and more."

The family were just confused as Zach who was finally awoken up seeing another version of himself holding hands with another Scarlet as Zach felt like puking. "We gotta speak with the leaders of the Scarlets, The UOD. They stands for the United of dimensions." Harley was trying to understand Scarlet as the rest of the family were just confused, "I used to work as a scientist due to my crafty creation until one day a person who wasn't a Scarlet clone had shot up the Lab but I managed to save two creatures I think their names were Molly and Holly," Scarlet said as Hana pop her head up knowing who she was talking about and knew who Molly and Holly were.

"Alright then, uhm, let's move," Po said as they started walking in the City. They soon saw an Armord Police car arriving, "shoot," Scarlet said as the car made a stop with riot polices come out with batons and shields wearing vests that came out with shotgund with beanbag ammo. "Well we gotta fight," Harley look at Scarlet saying what in confusion.

Back at Crystal B, Bonnee had manged to save the day defeating the evil Dictator. She gose around in Harley's Kingdom helping the people there as she assured them that the Queen will come back soon. Bonnee waited for her best friend and Harley's family to come back as the staff was growing tired of waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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