Chapter 39

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After Harley got Scarlet and Angie back she been trying to find the ran away person until Scarlet came up to her panicking and all. She tried to get Scarlet to calm down as she relaxed a bit Scarlet told her about the person being in underground of the Castle and she heard them, she expected for Harley to follow her but she stands there in confusion and little shock about it.

Scarlet told her to c'mon then Harley followed her, she took her to the floorboards that she heard the person in. Harley look down at the floorboards getting down on her knees and rips them open off the ground with her bear hands. Scarlet was surprise that Harley's hands didn't bleed from that since some of the boards were sharp on the sides and tough, she climbed down and see if Scarlet come down or not, she did.

She grab Scarlet hand and lead the way in the darkness, she kept walking like if she knew her way around in the underground, they soon saw light then found theirselves in like a big cave. Scarlet look up ahead with mouth open seeing a big fluff green creature and under it's tail was the person it was trapping, Harley finally get to know who the person is ripping their hoodie off their head as Scarlet gasp to see them. A blonde kid around Scarlet's age but a year older, Harley moved out of Scarlet way letting her talk with the blonde kid as Harley tried to get the creature to get it's tail off the kid.

Soon Harley got Scarlet and the other kid out of underground, she still put the blonde kid behind bars but for an hour so the kid can calm down and stop trying to hurt people, Scarlet still was talking with her. Soon Harley found out the blonde kid was name Bella as Scarlet older sister, she been thinking about sending Scarlet and Bella back home to their father guessing he wanted them back.

Few hours later Harley had got Lulu to take Scarlet and Bella back to Earth to their father, Lulu bring the two sisters into her spaceship making sure they are ready and safe. Harley decided to come along with Scarlet and Bella to spend some last time with them as she put Claire in control of the kingdom while she's gone. Lulu, Harley, Bella and Scarlet took off into space heading to Earth, Harley got to teach Bella and Scarlet more about space and Lulu was controlling the ship taking her time to find Earth then she saw Har teaching the sisters about space so she controlled the ship to show them other things in space like plants, stars, etc.

They spend their whole time teaching Bella and Scarlet as Lulu check how long they will get to Earth it says a week, Harley notices Lulu checking then saw the thing saying a week, she sigh as Bella and Scarlet saw too. Harley took the sisters somewhere else to let Lulu deal with it, she recheck the thing again then it said a mouth and she knew that it was broken so she got to working on it.

Back at Crystal B, Claire had Hunter to help her take care of Harley kids as Hunter had his cousin Poppy come over with her kids to have a play date with Harley kids. Claire, Hunter and Poppy were in the backyard with the kids watching them play as Claire changed into a fox form and chased the kids around for fun, Poppy and Hunter talked to each other about life,  family, stuff, etc. Poppy and Hunter started to have a really bad feeling in them about something, Poppy told her two kids that their leaving and they got upset but she got them to leave with them and Claire bring the rest of the kids inside seeing Hunter having a bad feeling look on his face.

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