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⚠️CHAPTER WARNING: 🥵hot segs👨‍🦯

Adam pulled me from his chest and stared at my face with disbelief.

"Hannah did this to you?"

I nodded and sniffled not wanting to speak.

"Stay here. I'll deal with Hannah."

I threw myself into his chest to prevent him from leaving.

"Please don't leave me. I can't handle being by myself right now."

Adam wrapped his arms around my small waist and laid his chin on top of my head.

"I won't leave kid, don't worry."

I didn't know how long I had been standing in Adam's embrace in front of my door but  I finally pulled away. I could still feel dried tears that were on my face.

Without thinking I grabbed Adam's bear paw sized hand and led him into my apartment, Adam shut the door behind him.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"You smell like a latte."

I only nodded my head as I went towards my bedroom to change out of my stained clothes.

I grabbed a big tee and went to the bathroom to change. Once I threw my soiled clothes into the hamper, I glanced in the mirror.

I look horrendous. I splashed water on my face hoping the blotchiness would go away but it didn't. I sighed at my appearance as I attempted to comb through my hair with my fingers. I'm a mess.

I opened the door to exit the bathroom and jumped back when  Adam was laying in the bed with his arms crossed behind his head watching tv. He turned his head and smiled.

"Hey kid!"

I stalked towards the bed dragging my feet and slid in next to him. We both sat in silence watching tv until I turned to look at him.

Adam seemed to pay no mind as he was focused on the weather forecast. I took this time to study him.

He was gigantic, merely taking up the space of your whole bed but i certainly didn't mind. He brought warmth, he was like a blanket almost. His hair swept to the side as usual, along with his goatee he hadn't shaved. Normally I didn't like guys with facial hair but Adam was different. I noticed the muscles in his arm as they flexed behind his head. His musk. Adam smelt like wood or like a Home Depot. He was sporting the same outfit as yesterday except a different shirt.

"You're staring kid."

I finally snapped out of my gaze and saw that Adam was staring back at me with a goofy grin. My eyes snapped to his plump pink lips. They look so soft and nice.

Without thinking I crashed my lips onto his and quickly pulled back before it could escalate. I stared back at Adam with guilt setting in while you couldn't read Adam's expression.

"Sorry, I don't know what-"

My words were cutoff as Adam attacked my lips with his. I fell back on the bed as his body covered yours. His kiss became more intense as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. His hair was tickling your face as it hung down but I didn't mind it. I brought my hands to cup his cheeks but he took them into his hands and instead laced them through his and pinned my arms to the bed frame next to your head. 

Adam finally pulled back and I was finally able to catch my breath. I sat up on my elbows as Adam was taking off his shirt. I watched him throw his shirt on the ground and look back  with  a stone expression. His chest was pure muscle, wide shoulders and little beads of sweat starting to form near his collarbone. It's almost as if he was carved from literal stone.

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