I woke up the next morning fully refreshed and hot. Hot because somehow Adam and I got tangled together in the sheets. I quietly tried and unravel myself which turned out to be quite a struggle. The rock next to me who was snoring away seemed to not care. It was funny really how Adam looked in my bed. It's like when I was a girl playing with Barbie's and they give you that tiny ass bed for them to sleep on. It just didn't look anatomically correct.

I decided to change my shirt from last night which is exactly what I did and also put on some shorts and socks and slipped on my slippers. I closed my bedroom door as softly as I could and went to turn on my coffee maker, cursing at it when the buttons started to beep. Once my coffee was done, I was leaning over my counter island scrolling mindlessly through Instagram. I cut myself off from everyone at my old highschool, some close friends I followed but barely ever contacted them. They seemed well. They seemed like they were actually achieving something in their life. I exited out of Instagram and scoffed. Social media is fake anyways.

I had a shift today at the cafe at 2 but I was deciding whether to call in sick or not. My thoughts were interrupted as Adam waltzed into the room, this time with his jeans riding low. I subconsciously licked my lips and froze hoping he didn't see it.

"Something wrong with your lips kid?"

So he did see! That's okay! Play it cool. Play it cool. Play it fucking cool.

"Just dried. I don't have any chapstick around here."

Adam grabbed the cup off coffee off the counter and you faked that you were upset about it, but giggled once you saw his expression after taking a sip.

"What the fuck is this shit? Dishwater?"

He set down the mug with a grim expression plastered over his face.

You kept laughing, "yeah laugh it up kid."


Adam and I sat on my small couch eating the breakfast i made in silence. Orange juice for Adam and what he called your 'dishwater' coffee for you.

I set my plate down on the small table and turned towards Adam who masked your same movement.

"I uh, wanted to talk about last night."

"It's okay kid. It was a moment. We're both adults here. It's just sex."

Just sex.

"Yeah I know." I tangled my fingers together, a habit I took when I would get nervous.

"Did you like it?"

Adam looked at you with a bemused expression. "Of course I liked it, I wouldn't have kissed you back if otherwise."

I felt a small blush creep up on my cheeks. 

"Well would you want to maybe do it again?"

"What like a friends with benefit thing?"

I nodded and watched as Adam scratch his goatee. "Sure kid. It would be fun sneaking around. Reminds me of when I was a teen and I'd sneak out and then I actually broke my arm one time because I fell out of a window because someone moved the ladder the night I was gonna ditch."

I patted his shoulder trying to contain your laugh, "your a brave man."

Adam stood up from the couch and retreated into your bedroom. I turned around and saw him shrug his shirt on. "Are you ditching me Sackler?"

Adam winked at me as he stepped into the living room. "I have an audition actually." He checked his phone and was silent for a couple minutes.

"You doing anything later kid?"

"I just have a shift at the cafe and I don't leave till 9."

Adam was already walking towards the door, "I'll see you around kid."

He shut the door before I could say bye.

"Yeah bye Adam! Thanks for eating my food and insulting my coffee!"

And for giving me the best sex of my life.


Ray and I chose not to talk about what happened yesterday with Hannah. It was embarrassing what had occurred and I never wanted to hear about it again. From anyone.

The day was normal with only you taking orders and then making the orders. Ray left to go buy things because inventory was low so I spent my time doing the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. You let out a frustrated sigh as you stared back at the three empty squares that you just couldn't seem to figure out. They come in last. What the hell is the answer?

"The answer is XYZ. It's referring to the alphabet."

In front of you was a customer, a handsome one at that. You didn't even hear the bell ring you were so focused. The man was tall, not as tall as Adam. He looked like he was 6 foot. Not as muscular as Adam was but you could tell he worked out too. Stop comparing everything to Adam! It's weird!

The man had brown hair that was slightly gelled back but some pieces already escaped. He was wearing a dress shirt and pants. He must've just came from work. Brown eyes, along with some slight stubble on his already sharp jaw,and flashing white teeth looked your way.

"Thanks. I've been stuck on this clue for a while now. What can I get you?"

"Let me a green tea and a bagel."

You only nodded your head as you rang him up. His finger lingered on yours a little longer when you gave him back his card. Minutes later you returned with his order in hand.

"Do you have any plans this weekend?"

You were taken aback by his statement. Was he asking you out?

"No I don't. Why do you ask?"

"I want to take you out. Drinks, a movie, whatever you want."

"Oh. Um, I'm flattered bu-"

The man pulled one of the store business cards and took a pen out of his pocket and began writing on it. It was his number.

"Think about. Here's my number if you want to call me."

He didn't let you answer as he grabbed his order and was out the door.

Short boring chapter I'm sorry

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