631 21 0

Adam POV

For the duration of the evening, Maddie and I silently watched television. Occasionally a nurse would come by and drip something new into her IV.

Maddie started getting tired and moody as I tried feeding her ice chips the nurse fetched for us because Maddie's body couldn't hold anything down.

"Maddie can you try and at least get halfway through this cup please? I won't bother you anymore if you do this for me."

"I'm so tired, I just want to sleep Adam."

I felt her turn over away from me untill I gently grabbed onto her shoulder and turned her back over untill her back was pressed against my chest.

I heard her groan, "Adam I can't anymore."

I sat up with her in my arms and brought the spoon towards her mouth to which she declined.

"Can't or you won't?"

She pushed the spoon away, "Both."

"4 bites, you'll feel better afterwards."

"Fine, 4 bites only and I'm going back to sleep."


After that we watched Friends while I was feeding Maddie and she didn't even stop me after taking the agreed 4 bites.

I put away the cup on the mobile table next to me and laid back on the bed with Maddie already fast asleep in my arms.


I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep until I heard a noise in the room.

I was disoriented for a moment until I realized what was going on. Maddie was no longer next to me but I saw that the bathroom light was on.

I carefully got out of the bed not wanting to knock anyhting over, but as I got closer I heard vomiting.

I pushed the door open to see a nurse attendant standing next to the toilet and Maddie hunched over it.

I carefully tiptoed around to where the nurse stood looking down worridly.

"What's going on?"

"The medication is finally doing it's job."

"Please get him out of here. I don't want him seeing me like this."

The nurse looked at me apologetically and I walked out of the room without a fight. I didn't want to stress Maddie out even more, so if she didn't want me there i'll leave and give her the space she needs.

I didn't like to know that Maddie was in pain, but there  was nothing I could do except wait for her. The medication was doing it's job in detoxing her body, it was just going to be a painfully slow process.

After several minutes of listening to her and nearly wanting to bust down the door, it thankfully stopped and I heard the shower running.

I remembered that I brought a bag with some clothes and started rummaged through it. Hopefully I brought something comfortable in the state of panic I was in at that time.

I spotted a large sweatshirt, her favorite sweatshirt, along with a pair of black shorts and random panites i grabbed.  She wore the sweatshirt the second night I was with her. That time seems so foreign compared to now. Obviously I didn't just want to barge in randomly, so I awkwardly knocked on the door hoping the nurse would hear me.

I heard chatter on the other side and then the nurse's face popping out of the corner of the door.

"Some clothes I brought for Maddie so that she'll be more comfortable." I mumbled.

"Maddie will be so relieved that she has these. Thank you. She'll be out in a couple moments, she didn't want to go back to bed after her reactions to the medication."

I nodded my head and decided to try and change the sheets  so her and I would at least be more comfortable.

I couldn't figure out where they put all their bed shit and had to call someone in to do it for me.

The nurse who changed the sheets left just on time when Maddie came out. She was completely dwarfed in the sweatshirt, her IV stand beside her. She did look tired but she was still beautiful. Her smooth luminous skin was practically glowing from the shower, her eyes were blotchy along with dark circles under her eyes.

I thanked the nurse and took Maddie's freehand and led her towards the bed.

"Thank you for bringing me new clothes."

"No problem kid. I also had someone change the sheets so you would be more comfortable."

"Your still staying right?"

I looked at her with a frown, "of course I am, I told you I'm never leaving you again and I meant it."

We both got into the hard bed again and Maddie snuggled into the crook of my neck, her breath fanning me.



Maddie and I were woken up early which irritated the fuck out of me because this was the first night I've actually gotten some good sleep.

"Sorry to wake you two but there are things we need to discuss before we release you later this afternoon."

I lazily rubbed my eyes and sat up halfway. "Like what?"

"Oh good, I have someone else that will be able to assist her and take notes because I do have a hefty amount of information."


After we were given a few moments to wake up, the nurse sat down in a chair next to us.

"Maddie we are going to prescribe you anti- depressent medication along with preventative stroke medication along with memory enhancement vitamins in hopes your memory will come back."

I took Maddie's warm hand in mine while Maddie spoke,"I'm sorry, did you say stroke medication?"

"Yes I did, we are prescribing you some because your brain was not recieving oxygen for a total of 2 minutes, this can cause significant damage in the future, possibly a stroke so just incase we will be giving you medication in advance. Now all these medications just require you to take one pill a day at the hour of your choosing. The combination of all these pills in your system will make you moody along with tired so make sure you are eating and staying hydrated or else the medication won't work as well. Please do not miss a pill because we do not want you to mess around with your health, especially from what you have been through. Not many people have been as lucky as you. Ok, to get back on track, we think it will be beneficial for you to go to some counseling or a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous or any support group that is in your area. Do any of you have any questions or concerns about what I just said about anything?"

I looked at Maddie and she shook her head falling back onto my shoulder.

"Well if they're isn't any questions then we can start getting the discharged paper work started."

Sorry for my cruddy medical terminology.

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