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"Hannah? Why the fuck are you here?"

"Actually I was going to come over so we can work things out given your temper tantrum you had earlier."

You felt your cheeks start to turn red as you saw her gaze go up and down as she was looking you over.

"Now I see that you've had other plans. Are you banging her too? God, your such a pig Adam. I don't know why I keep trying."

"Yeah I don't know why either Hannah considering were not even dating since like 3 weeks ago."

It was hard not to let out a chuckle. Hannah was clearly delusional and needed help. Heck maybe you needed help too but not as much as she did. She was like the cat that kept going for the mouse.

Hannah coughed, "Whore."

You could feel your rage starting to boil over. Spoiler alert, the rage was going to win as you made your way over to Hannah under the streetlamp. Adam stood a couple feet behind you dumbfounded at the situation, not sure what to do.

"Sorry. Do you want to repeat that before my fist decides to make its home in your face?"

Hanna stepped closer with her arms crossed against her chest, "I said, "Whore". Did you hear this time? Or do I have to repeat myself again because your having hearing issues?"

That's it. This girl is gonna get it.

I couldn't stop myself as my fist flew into her face directly on her nose. My hand hurt like hell but damn did it feel good to push her damn smug face in.

Adam quickly stood in between the both of us and just to my luck, I saw a patrol car coming down the street doing daily night watches. The patrol car stopped once he saw the commotion and things did not look good for me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Adam suprinsingly went towards Hannah and lifted her hands away to examine her bloody face right as the officer was walking towards us.

"Shit. Bloody nose." I heard Adam whisper.

Hannah deserved it after being such a bitch to me the whole time. When I actually did have a functional family, my dad always told me that if someone kept messing with me, you stick it to them. Boy or not.

"What seems to be the problem here tonight?"

"I was just talking with my friend, and she punched me in the face!" Hannah shrieked.

The officer started coming towards you but you didn't fight it as he moved to put handcuffs on you. Adam had no emotion on his face as he turned the same time you did to look at his face as you were being walked to the car. He roughly put you inside and walked back towards where Adam and Hannah were. Hannah was cradeling her nose while her hands were covered in blood while Adam was talking to the officer. Hannah pipped in to add a statement occasionally.

Who was going to bail you out? Would you be staying overnight? What about work?

You saw the occasional nodding as the officer pulled out paper and a pen to record the incident that occured and then Adam walked away with Hannah, probably to go to the ER.

A tiny part of you felt bad, but not enough. Hannah should've known not to push your boundaries.

You jumped once you heard the door slam as the cop was in the drivers seat. He turned to look at you and you wrinked your nose as his breath smelt bad. "Your lucky she ain't pressing charges. Otherwise you'd be down in the shoe for longer than a couple hours."

You looked out into the night as the cop was taking you to presumably jail for the remaining hours untill morning. The cold New York air that smelled of cigarettes and food.


After what you think was 15 minutes, the cop pulled into the station and yanked you out rather harshly than you'd like.

They started off by taking a fingerprint and then a photo to remeber you if you ever came back. The jail smelt like a retirement home except people were crying or screaming and the occassional banging. They took my phone and my keys and put them into a clear plastic ziploc bag and handed it off to another officer. I was then shoved into a waiting cell with a blanket that I used as a pillow for my head as I laid on the hard, cold, brick as there was no actual seats, just a divet in the brick allowing space for people to sleep or sit out their time.

I must've dozed off for a good couple hours mostly because I was in there by myself for the night. I awoke to the sound of a door opening and a loud voice telling me I was free to go once I checked out. The lady at the desk was nice enough but at least it was better then having to deal with another rude police officer. She let me know that this would be my first offense but because Hannah decided not to press charges, it was a warning. After that she made me sign a couple of documents and handed me my bag with my belongings.

I didn't have anyone to call so I decided to just walk back to the apartment. Regardless of just getting out of jail, it was actually nice outside. I even decided to pay one of those hot dog vendors on the street. Nothing like a New York hot dog for breakfeast.

The time on my phone read 10am once I reached my apartment door. I was in jail for almost 12 hours.

"Hey kid can we talk?"

I turned around to see Adam with a serious expression on his face, and I motioned him inside once I unlocked my door. How did I not here his footsteps in the hallway? I'm probably to sleep deprived.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

Hehe climax. New chapter will be out soon.

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